November 2019

Schedules And Systems For Small Business Owners That Actually WORK!

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  I have a free gift for all of you today! Listen now!   This is one of my best trainings on schedules, time management, building a business at home and more! Your schedule either supports you or destroy you. You can't keep flying by the seat of your pants, doing things that pop up in front of you, working your 'business' when you have a few free minutes. If you have less than 10 hours per week to build your fortune you need this even MORE than ever! But if you have 40 hours per week to build your business, I guarantee you, if you're not making $1 million yet, you're wasting a lot of time. I want to help with that.   If you have a full time real job the [...]

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Pumpkin Spice High Protein Shake For Fall

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Pumpkin Spice High Protein Shake For Fall I LOVE pumpkin.... To be honest, I love squash, pumpkin and all the spices that go with these two vegetables. Fall is my favorite time of year! Even though I eat squash and pumpkin all year long... it's only in the fall that the full bloom comes in and we can pick from so many varieties! Being fit and building a business goes hand in hand.  You'll never make it eating junk food, sucking down coffee and smoking cigarettes if you want to build a life you're not only proud of but that you can't wait to live each morning. Here's my special recipe for fall mornings! I'm working really hard to end 2012 STRONG and powerful! Join me! With love, Sandi Krakowski Stay Ripped & Kiss [...]

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October 2019

The Divine Call Of God On Business Owners That Demands A Serious Rethinking Of How We Do Life, Business, Missions & More

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The Divine Call Of God On Business Owners That Demands A Serious Rethinking Of How We Do Life, Business, Missions & More By: Sandi Krakowski It is my personal belief that each human being is divinely given a gift for their generation and for the time that they are born on the earth. Each person has a unique ability, talent and gifting that was given by the Creator of the Universe so that we might all benefit. Ponder for a moment what millions of gifts God released into the earth but were aborted, thwarted, beaten out of people or even suppressed by a 'typical societal practice' such as education, parenting, and the like. We live in a world where it has become normal for kids to raise themselves, for teens to be pregnant, for [...]

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A Virtual Assistant- Top Three Skills To Learn

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  Editor's Note:   I'm super excited to share an article with all of you today from Tiffany Parson, who has been with A Real Change for over 9 years now. She runs and oversees our Inner Circle, manages all of our groups, and is one of the client care representatives who are serving thousands of clients every month in our group environment. She has also taught classes, trained team members, and even worked on our website!   Grab a pen and paper while Tiffany shares with you some of the skills needed to be an effective VA in the online world.   With love, Sandi Krakowski     A Virtual Assistant- Top Three Skills To Learn by Tiffany Parson, ARC Client Care Groups Manager If you were to ask me what skills are [...]

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