QUIT making excuses for your unlived life and make a decision right now to live the life you were designed for!

There's a dream in your heart to be financially independent.

You've taken some classes and you've even put up your first website.

But step by step as you've worked through the training and done all that you can to make it profitable, something has been missing.

I know what it's like. Having built several businesses past the million dollar mark, unanimously the times that I had the most accelerated growth were always when I was working with a personal mentor. These weren't just conference calls, website instructions and self-taught classes- but one on one, into the deepest part of business that truly the growing, profiting entrepreneur knows about.  

The best way to get to your goals is through accountability, with a group and a mentor.  

So we've created the perfect plan for you to build "Your Best Business" in 2013! During 2013 I will be working very closely with the clients who enroll in this program. 

We believe that there is NOTHING like this on the market today, a TOP LEVEL combination of both Marketing and Mindset!

What this means for you is, you get the BEST of PJ and myself, every week, for your business and your life!

My BIGGEST concern with this program is that there will only be 39 SPOTS open and when they sell out, it is SOLD OUT. We will not flex mid-year, we're not going to stretch the program to let others move to the higher levels. This is an ALL-OUT commitment to make YOUR best life and your BEST business happen in 2013… and it will NOT be available to anyone once it's full.

On November 5, 2012 we will be hosting a free call, PJ and I, and will be there to share with you our vision for 2013. You can get ALL of your questions answered on this call. We will give you the details for the upcoming programs, such as some of the BIG enchancements we're adding! 

Things like….


BOOKS!! We will be sending our 2013 Coaching Clients the books we recommend every single month at no additional cost!

MASTERMINDS!  Every level from Ruby- VIP will be meeting for a full day in Chicago with PJ and I so we can help rewrite business plans, get into the 'dirt' with you and really help you catapult your business forward! Rubies get 1- day. Diamonds get 2- Days! VIPs get 3- Days with us in person during the year!

DISCOUNTS!! We are offering discounts, free materials, free event passes and more!

Urgent news….

With the overwhelming amount of questions, emails, comments on social media, phone calls to our office and more we are already very aware that the program will sell out FAST…. It could be a matter of hours.

To help us best get an overview of how many people are very serious and ready to go on this, we're going to ask you to submit your applications NOW.

Yes, we want to see applications now, if you are very serious!  Payments for deposits will not be accepted until 11/5/2012 on the 7:00 pm ET call. And once they start coming in- it's FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED only.

When we receive deposits we will spend 10 days reviewing each application (and now… we'll be doing some of that ahead of time!) to make the cuts where necessary and to choose the BEST Business Best Life 2013 Mentorship Masterminds in each category.

PLEASE NOTE: The VIP Program was released at the Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit in Orlando, FL earlier this month and we have already accepted and approved 6 students… there are 9 more open spots in that program at the time of this writing.

Your next step… If you are serious about joining PJ and I in 2013 for our Top Level Mentorship Programs please go to the page below and submit your request for the application. One of my staff will send that to you right away. Fill it out, email or fax it back. 


We can't WAIT to hear you on the call, answer your questions and most importantly to see the applicants who are ready… and will no longer make an excuse for the life they wanted to live… but will STEP UP and live that life NOW.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

P.S. If you are serious, we are ready. Submit your application now.