Getting A 216.25% Increase In Engagement On Facebook For Bigger Social Media Profits- Hear how a mother of 12 increased her income by $49,068 in just one month through social media!
Happy Wednesday!
I couldn't wait to speak to you today because some AMAZING things are happening behind the scenes here at A Real Change International! One of the biggest things is we've had our heads down, studying like a mad scientist ways to increase engagement on social media, attract MORE of the right clients and how to then monetize our efforts WITHOUT being like the typical marketers who only build big followings and then stop caring.
As you can see from the above graph taken this morning at 8:15 am EDT from my Facebook Timeline Page, we've had a 216.25% increase in engagement in the last week!! But oh…. it gets better than that!
We've added more than 5987 new PEOPLE to our Facebook Page as well! In SIX DAYS!
Listen, I know there are goofballs out there who teach how to add 20,000 people to your Facebook page in a week and then you end up with a bunch of people who don't care, aren't engaged and are connecting from Russia and don't even speak your language. THAT is not what I'm talking about.
The Data Doesn't LIE!
Look at the weekly reach and "People Talking About This". THIS IS the power of social media, my friends.
We are so excited about this I'm actually going to GIVE YOU the 12 minute training we released to our Inner Circle private coaching group yesterday afternoon. On this video I'll show you some other people who are getting 20% ABOVE the norm in engagement on their Facebook pages as well!
This one video has secret tips our paying members have been using to increase their cash! Listen as Charlotte Siems, mother of 12 increased her paycheck by $4089.00 in just one month!! That's a $49,000 pay increase on just a few hours per week!
What if you saw only 10% of these results?! Could having 500 MORE new ideal targeted clients help your business?
Here's the streaming WebEx link for this exclusive and private, usually never shared Inner Circle video. Instructions are as follows to get optimal viewing:
1. Use Google Chrome for best viewing.
2. Clear your temp files and cache files before viewing.
3. Let the video stream and render- it will take 3-5 minutes to do so before playing depending on your browsers connection speed.
4. Turn off pop up blockers for 12 minutes. (We've released this to our entire Inner circle and it's safe)
Then…. grab TWO PENS and a paper… and take good notes.
HOW to increase your engagement, your targeted clients and make more money through social media…..
Getting A 216.25% Increase In Engagement On Facebook For Bigger Social Media Profits
Watch the 12 minute streaming video now.
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
P.S. Could you use a $ 49,068 pay increase this year? Watch this video now. It's free!