
Timeless Business Principles

What are YOUR thoughts about yourself saying about your business?

Do you believe, "I am not worthy of success."

Or maybe… "God doesn't mind if I'm successful but He certainly doesn't want me to make a lot of money and become focused on money all day long."

What if, at the core of who you are, this is running through your belief system, "Everything I attempt to go big with my business no one helps me so there's no way I could be a success."

Here at A Real Change International we are honored to serve clients from all over the world, who come from a variety of backgrounds! We don't take it lightly at all that people of varying faiths put their trust in us, when it comes to marketing, the online world and social media. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

The Bible holds Timeline Business Principles that are not governed by time, economy or leadership. It is these very same principles that have helped me to create the ridiculous success we have seen through 15 years online.

Tomorrow, July 10th I'll be hosting my very first LIVE CALL on the topic of Timelines Business Principles that more than 4000+ asked for! I couldn't be more excited and hope you'll join me!

Our topic for July 10th will be- "Your Business Mirrors Who You Think You Are" and I won't be sharing just human opinion or suggestion on this topic. No way. I'm going to show you from the greatest success book ever written that God has a LOT to say on this very subject and we can learn a LOT from Him for our lives and our business, today, in 2012.

Join me! Invite your friends!

Our FIRST 2012 Live Call:

Title: Timeless Business Principles

Time: Tuesday, July 10th at 7:00pm Eastern

Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit: 


Phone Number: (206) 402-0100

Pin Code: 604259#

It's FREE!! It's my gift to you. 

Please, help me to impact as many people as we can, that they would know what an AMAZING life and business they can have, with A Real Change taking place inside of who they become. Invite those you care about. 

With love,

Sandi Krakowski