Facebook Marketing

How Would You Like 54,975 People Sharing Your Content & Products Every Week?

The culture of social media is a marketers dream. But ironically not every company who becomes active on the social media platform see results.

What if you could see 54,975 sharing your products and services every single week? The picture above shows our Facebook page. It took 16 months to build such a culture. This is one weeks time. 370,543 post clicks in 7 days. That my friends is a marketers dream!

Here are three strategies you can implement today for your business or ministry:

1. Be very consistent and regular with content posting. People have argued with me over and over again about this one. But the truth of the matter is this- when we started posting every single hour on our page, over 12 hours, 7 days per week, not only did our engagement go through the roof, so did our sales. Don't be like a 'fly by night' doing this sporadically or only when you have something to sell. Be consistent every single day and people will come back to your page regularly to have relationship with you.

2. Make no more than 15% of your content on the page what you sell. Relationship is key. People are tired of feeling prostituted and they don't want to come to your page to hear about your product over and over and over again. For those of you who want to argue this all I have to say is check the page shares I have above and I rest my case. Our profits have quadrupled in 16 months. Relationship is what people come to social media for. Pay attention, please. 

3. Pictures aren't the only thing that convert on Facebook. A lot of Facebook Marketers have convinced the masses that pictures convert the best, so be sure you're using pictures. Yes, that is true. But CONTENT that converts is content that the audience wants. CONTENT that they love is why they come back day after day. CONTENT that they enjoy and will read is what they SHARE. Check out this photo below. While we do see a lot of engagement on the page with photos, we also see that regular, consistent content that is ON TARGET to my ideal client is what increases engagement long term.

Sandi Krakowski Facebook Marketing Expert

For years magazines, radio show hosts and TV stations have known this to be true. If they had commercials and pitching 60% of the time, they would have HORRIBLE ratings. People want the show- the content. They want the issue- the content. Magazines that are 60% ads DO NOT SELL. Apply that to social media and your profits will go way up.

More than 4.6 BILLION times per day people click the "Like" button on Facebook and it's not because the ads they see are changing their life. It's the content. Be in the middle of that as a company or ministry and you'll be unstoppable.

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

sandi krakowski