Weekly Wrap Up May 4, 2012

It's been an amazing week!

We started out strong with a powerful lesson on "Blueprinting Your Message" into your client's memory and how to serve them honestly and wholeheartedly, creating a ton of loyal followers. If you missed it heres that episode on http://www.ARealChange.TV

Then we released an insane "Sneak Peek" training from my Inner Circle coaching program where we talked about word count and attention span in Copywriting. This lesson was a big break through  for many of you and caused you to take the "leap" into working with me every week through video in our Inner Circle! Woohoo! We are so excited to have you all! 

Wednesday we kicked up some fun with Post It Notes.  Many of you said you could relate that "traditional" time management wasn't cutting it. The feedback from those who took the http://www.kolbe.com score test has been powerful! You're finding your true self and creating a business (and To Do Lists) around your dream life!

Thursday we hit some "realities" hard and reaffirmed why changing lives through business is certainly not for the faint of heart. This is a big WHY for many of you– sharing your gifts and impacting the world. Your feedback was so inspiring!

Here we are! It's Friday! Woohoo!

All I want to say is that YOU have done a great job this week. 

If no one has told you lately….I'm very proud of you and very grateful to have you as a reader and a client.

Close this week off strong! You've got this!

Let's go create A Real Change!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski