The Secret Power of Gratitude for Business Today
How a simple “thank you” can increase your revenue
By Lori Saitz
Introduction from Sandi-
Today's guest writer is someone who is a very active part of the A Real Change family that I'm very honored for you to meet. Lori Saitz has been running our "Hospitality Division" with our high-level coaching clients (Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond, VIP & Millionaire Mastermind) since 2010. She is the 'hidden force' behind monthly gifts to our clients, thank you's and other acts of random kindness that are a big part of our business model!
I'm excited to let you know that I'll be interviewing Lori LIVE at The Social Media Smartphone GPS in October and she'll be there to meet you all in person! WOOHOO! Grab a pen and paper and listen in as Lori shares her expertise. Let me give you this little bit of information as well that we'll be sharing in October- our continuity programs and our coaching programs see a less than 2% cancellation or fall our ratio. Lori and her love for our customers are a big key to that! Enjoy today's article, it's LIFE changing!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
Economic times being what they are, business people are leaving no stone unturned in search of revenue generating ideas. While the days of lavish parties and expensive junkets may be over, there is one very simple, inexpensive way to increase revenue. It’s a tactic that’s been around since the beginning of time, but only the smartest of businesses have used it to its full advantage.
Would you believe me if I said it’s the power of a simple “thank you”? Not kidding! Gratitude is THE key to success. Whether you’re showing appreciation to the clients you already have in the roster or pursuing new projects, the simple act of saying “hey, we’re happy to work with you and are grateful for your business,” has always been extremely powerful.
Not long ago, I got a phone call from an ecstatic client who used gratitude to persuade. After an in-home sales presentation, he sent a Signature box of Gratitude Cookies to say thank you for the meeting and suggested the recipients make a cup of coffee to enjoy with the cookies while they read through the extensive information he’d left with them. His $32.00 investment in this potential client turned into a $25,000 job. Where else are you getting those kinds of returns these days?
When was the last time you got a “thank you” from a place where you’re the customer? How long are you having to think about that question to come up with an answer? Okay, let’s turn the table. When was the last time you said thank you to one of your customers? If it was more than 30 days ago, it’s been too long.
Aside from being good manners, the reason acts of gratitude can (as the title of Dale Carnegie’s 1936 best seller proposed) win friends and influence people, is that it is a giant differentiating factor. Although so simple, relatively few businesses actually use appreciation as a way to stand out from their competition. Even in today’s business climate, customers are not necessarily looking for the cheapest option. They are looking for the best value. And value includes how they are treated.
The unstated benefit of a thank you is the feeling you give to others. Plenty of business people think that their clients make decisions based solely on practical, logical factors. NO ONE makes decisions without incorporating emotional factors as well. As humans, it’s virtually impossible to do. Which means that how you treat your clients, how your clients feel about working with you, whether they are buying for individual consumption or on behalf of their business, is of the utmost importance.
Showing your appreciation is an integral part of building and strengthening your relationship. There was a study conducted not long ago that found a mere 5% improvement in customer retention would increase profits 25-100%. Wow, that’s incredible! If you could use appreciation as the powerful and influential tool it is, and it actually increased your business, why in the world would you NOT take advantage?
For businesses operating primarily in the online world, it's almost MORE important for you to send "offline" gifts and thank yous than anyone. Despite all the high tech gadgetry that’s been developed, humans are still wired to need personal bonding with others. No matter how many friends or connections you have on social media, it’s not a valid substitution for physical interactions. And by physical, I don’t mean intimate or even face to face. I mean an interaction that has some physical element. Emails are not a good substitute for a handwritten note. An electronic credit for an online retailer does not create the same excitement and good will as a boxed gift delivered and waiting for you to open it.
Saying thanks and giving thanks cannot be underestimated, and should not be underdone. The power of a sincere “thanks” cannot be measured. But without saying “thank you,” you should be willing to forgo two more powerful words: repeat business.
Take time to show appreciation to those who support your success and not only will they feel special and valuable, so will you!
Lori Saitz is a nationally recognized expert in using gratitude to boost client retention and increase referral business. She is the founder of Zen Rabbit, which is a concierge type company specializing in helping business professionals “multiply profits through sweet appreciation.” What’s become known as The Gratitude Cookie™ is the main tool used to do that. To get a copy of her free Special Report, “The Little Known Secrets of Gratitude and Reciprocity and How They Can Positively Super Charge Your Profits!” go to