Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice And Be Uniquely YOU!

Good morning & Happy 4th of July to all my USA readers!

Recently, as I have been coaching more than 720 people in our Inner Circle Coaching Program on Facebook Marketing, something BIG came up and I thought I would share it with you. It's the idea that there are 'specific, set, strategic' ways to do things (or so the gurus have been saying) on social media and if you don't DO these things THIS way you'll RUIN everything from edgerank to ROI to virality and more! My goodness, the pressure to do things RIGHT is so great that many business owners get intimidated by the whole concept from the get go!

I was honored to be able to lead more than 20,000 people on our Facebook Marketing 2013 call on June 26, 2013 and one of the things I spoke on was how YOU are unique. You carry a voice. A reasonance. You have a message. The way you do things is very unique. Focusing in on this uniqueness will help you to succeed individually and corporately on Facebook and social media.

Some of my students began sharing how 'this coach' and 'that expert' said they ALWAYS have to do this, that and the other thing to succeed. I had to chuckle because wouldn't you know it? I'm on the Top 20 and Top 50 List of Forbes List of Most Influential Social Media Experts, we've built a community of more than 400,000 people in our social media sphere and our company has generated millions of dollars in profits, but get this, I am breaking most of if not all of the "you must always do this to succeed" rules every single day.

So how can this be? How does it work for me and how can you be yourself and succeed too?

Years ago some sales gurus (I think it started with door to door sales people) got together and discovered that if people were fearful to talk on the phone or face to face or anywhere actually, they could just script people and tell them what to say. Write out words for them to read and then they can be successful. Sure, it's a model to follow but if you're not careful you'll work so hard trying reading your words right that you'll forget a key component to success and that is RELATIONSHIP.

When sales and marketing began to really soar on social media, the same kind of 'let's just lead the people and tell them what to say and we'll get rich doing it' gurus rose up again! This time they began to formulate everything. Put everything in a specific, strategic box and if we convince people to do things this way, we can win and we'll be on top again. Funny thing is, most of, if not all of the top influencers in the world, are breaking these so-called rules.

I am the biggest offender!

Yes, I break rules and I choose to listen to my God and do things in the way that I know my truest self will be conveyed. Because I am on a mission to release freedom into the world and to help people find their voice. To find your voice, you have to first come to accept this beautiful fact: "YOU are unique!"

I was recently talking to a mom who has a 11 year old son. This young man is a genius. Sadly, some experts have lableed him as developmentally challenged and even different. WOW. God forbid he should be different, eh? A happy God with holy love made us all unique so I'm not quite sure what code of ethics they were consulting when they compared him to all the other kids and came up with the conclusion, "You son, you are different. We must medicate you."

Through some series of tests and many processes of elimniation, this mom has discovered, along with her son, because you see he's 11 and a GENIUS, he's not dumb and doesn't deserve to be treated like a baby without a brain, have discovered that he has serious food sensitivities. This one fact alone in his uniqueness can alter his personality, change his immune system and create havic if people are trying to feed him, lead him and make him like everyone else.

FREEDOM for this young man is now being found on the path of learning to feed his body well. Support his immune system. Heal his toxic and inflammed colon. Is it an easy journey? NO. But it's worth it. It's one I've been on myself and have discovered how uniquely I was designed and how very SPECIFICALLY I need to eat to be my most powerful self.

I recently had my personal trainer Sagi encourage me to take a DNA test. Some of the unique health challenges that God has healed me of through the years, many through prayer, others through diet, have led us to believe that there is something very unique going on in my DNA makeup. So I went to and did the test. This was after having hair analysis, blood tests, saliva and stool cultures. Let's just say that all of my unique self was being tested! Phew! And what we discovered was nothing short of remarkable! 

Yes, I do have very unique DNA. We all do. No one is the same. WOW, what a beautiful demonstration of a holy God with happy love!  But my DNA testing shows that there are some genes that are different, things that are unique and they require a little more support than what others might need. All good news, now we know how to make me even more powerful!

So what is the point of my article today, on this amazing day of celebrating independence and freedom in the USA?

My friends, you are unique for a purpose. You were created with an intention that was very specific, very strategic and it is something that leads to the best life you could ever have if you pursue it. When you seek this specific purpose, which I recommend you all do, may I please give you a little word of advice so that you can be freely and uniquely YOU?!

Some of what will make you hugely successful in social media, business and even in life is not a process, exact procedure, strategic step all the time system. It IS being alive, inviting and having relationship with people by being truly you.

How that looks is totally up to you! I give you PERMISSION to be free and to love people wherever you may go, in life and in business. Be yourself, find your voice and please, GO CHANGE THE WORLD!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski Find Your Voice and Your Purpose