Culture Builds Brand On Social Media

Why Posting More Often On Social Media & Not Talking About Your Products WORKS!

For the last four years I've been saying you should post more often and sell less. In very simple terms, we teach that building culture is how you big a highly engaged platform on social media, then, sell 10-15% of the time. Be where the customer is, when they are there, and pitch your product less to sell more!"

For the naysayers who STILL think it doesn't work- look at the over 6 BILLION IMPRESSIONS our brand has had in the image above and then take a deep breath. It works.

And…. it's catching on!  The very same people who thought I was crazy to post 12 times per day on Facebook and Twitter are now TEACHING you should post more often on Facebook and Twitter to increase your engagement organically. Why the big shift?  Because it works (that really is the bottom line!), with any brand, any product, any service. 

What I teach is simply a very UNIQUE SOLUTION to a common problem. People lack engagement on their pages, so….. we create more digital media that people want to engage with and BOOM! Your numbers will go up. When your numbers go up, relationship increases and when relationship increases? Sales will follow.

But what is the real LINCHPIN to this equation? The thing that holds it all together? 

People want to know you care. They want to know they are important. People log in on their favorite platform at their favorite time every single day. If you are there to SERVE them, it is a sign of good business. If you are not there to serve them and ONLY log on 1-2 times per day, (or worse yet only 1-2 times per week!) that means that what works for YOU is of the utmost importance and what YOU want is what drives you. This says to the customer in no uncertain amount of terms, "You are not important to us."

He went from $38k per year to $120,000 In Sales In 60 Days!

Sandi I have been following you for quite sometime, I started with the Free classes and then I started purchasing classes. I did the social media masters class this past fall when it was introduced. I wanted to share with you that my page likes went over 100K today!!. I had 4K last April. I have an online business that did a total of 38K last year. As a part time business I was thrilled with that. After taking your classed I got a bit more aggressive on my Facebook advertising and made a few changes on my product and I am pleased to share in the first two months of 2015 my part time website has produced $120,000 in sales!! I just wanted to share that I applied your techniques and a lot of trial and error and wow!!. It's all still a work in progress but we're going in the right direction. It's funny I am a beachbody coach and I started following your classes to help with that biz, and as I kept learning I said hey I can apply this to my day job! It's great. Thank You So Much!! "

God Bless, Ben Alford

Being available to serve on multiple channels wins the social media ROI chase hands down.

There is no other direct response marketing platform that works as effectively.  No TV campaign, post card mailing, mail drop, email campaign, blog post, NOTHING that works as effectively as simply serving people daily, every hour, through social media. It also COSTS a company a lot less!

Build culture and you'll increase sales! Really care and you'll increase sales! AND….. remember this rule as well: YOU DO NOT have to be on social media all day long to talk to people. Schedule your posts with your favorite scheduling tool for the day, and then go back 1-2 times for 10 minutes and talk back. Simply talking back to people is revolutionary because very few people are doing it!

Stop pushing your products. Hold to the 10-15% rule and when you do offer something for sale, people will be grateful, not upset. They'll buy what you have because you've been taking the time to interact with them every single day. They'll share what you offer because you took the time to create content they can't wait to see.

The times are changing. CULTURE is the ultimate ROI tool for this generation. 

WIth love,

Sandi Krakowski

Culture builds social media








(photo above is me at a recent event talking to 200 authors who are learning how to build culture!)