
30 Books That Every Successful Person Should Read

Reading a good book is like a good cup of coffee in morning, relaxing and refreshing!

To find some really good books, Sandi and I went through hundreds of books on her many bookcases to attain the ones that most impacted her. There were spiritual books, books on marketing, coffee books (shocker!), and more. Her personal library was fun and impressive, but it looked much different than others that I have seen. The truth is, you can tell a lot about a person from the kind of books they read. Your mind is a powerful tool, so what you put in it will affect what actions comes out. 

Like many of you, I love to read. For me, reading a good book is a lot like watching a movie in my mind. They teach you, they draw you in, and they stretch your imagination. I love to read books that make me think deeply about important topics, help me to reevaluate my life, and that let me connect with others. 

If you are not much of a reader but still want to learn and grow, a simple way to get started is to listen to an audio book. Some of us are not visual learners, and that’s ok! Audio books are great for your commute to work or when you simply don’t have time to sit down and read. 

So make an investment into yourself because YOU are worth it. Make time to read, slow down, and relax. Whether it is on your break at work, 10 minutes of quiet solitude in the morning before the family wakes up, or maybe even how you wind down before sleeping at night, reading a book is an excellent way to feed your mind. 

Anyway, Sandi wanted to compile a list of her favorite books from her personal library to share with you all. I am sure there were more she could have added to this list but this is an excellent start. The first one on the list is The Bible. Out of the hundreds of books Sandi reads she told me this, “If I were to suggest a book to someone who wants to be successful in ANYTHING, it’s this book before any other.” 

The other 29 books on the list are in no particular order of “favorites.” But if you’re looking for your next good book to read, give some of these a try! 

  1. The Bible
  2. Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
  3. Greater by Steven Furtick
  4. The Gift in You by Dr. Caroline Leaf
  5. They Found the Secret by V. Raymond Edman
  6. Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie
  7. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
  8. God With You at Work by Andy Mason
  9. Phrases That Sell by Edward Werz and Sally Germain
  10. Words That Sell by Richard Bayen
  11. More Words That Sell by Richard Bayan
  12. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
  13. Change Your Words Change Your Life by Joyce Meyer
  14. Reword by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson
  15. When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson
  16. The Supernatural Ways of Royalty by Kris Valloton and Bill Johnson
  17. Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
  18. The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
  19. The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk
  20. Ready, Aim, Fire by Michael Masterson
  21. Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
  22. Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick
  23. Winning by Jack & Suzy Welch
  24. Culture of Honor by Danny Silk
  25. The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson 
  26. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
  27. Crash The Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others by Steven Furtick
  28. You Are Special by Max Lucado
  29. Your Life Without Limits: Living Above Your Circumstances by Nick Vujicic
  30. The Irresistable Offer by Mark Joyner

How can you get started on a list like this? Start small. Read one book a month. That way, if you are not much of a reader, this will give you plenty of time to get through the book and to digest what you’ve read. Reading one a month is a great goal to have and will impact your mind in incredible ways. 

Whatever the theme of the book you read, make that the theme of your day, week, or month. Live out what you’re learning and put it into practice. You will be surprised what you will learn. When I give a book a chance, I always end up pulling something from it that I never knew, even if it wasn’t my favorite type to read. To get something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. Give it a try and let us know which one is your favorite!

When you read, you do know! Sandi often says, "The difference between someone who suceeds in life and someone who fails is the size of their library." A local library is your best friend!

Happy reading!
Holly Krakowski

Holly Krakowski