Got a minute? I’ve got some great info for you!

Dear small business owner, author, musician, startup entreprenuer or anyone who wants to build a profitable business online

Have you made $50,000 yet in your own business? If so….. this is not for you. But if you haven’t and you’re frustrated, nearly giving up and praying for answers…. I have some!

During the last week I have been praying and seeking answers as well. The question that I have lifted up to heaven is this: “How can I help 750 students who are serious about changing their lives, rewriting their families history and imparting TO them what I have learned in the last 18 years of business in a BIG way?”

When I look at the life God has given me, it is truly remarkable. It’s been an incredible thing to become one of the best marketers in the world online and the best Facebook marketing expert, referred to by Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes Magazine and other very prestigious publications as the voice to listen to when it comes to culture building, social media growth, ROI and marketing.

It’s time for me to give back.

I’ve poured my heart into adoptions across the world, built a school for children in Thailand, funded many projects for the homeless and the hungry. I’ve had the absolute honor of writing out checks to fund projects in many churches, pay for medical bills for people who needed help….. and the list goes on. But there’s one thing I really want to do and THIS is what I brought to God during the last month of my focused prayer times.

I want to personally impact the future of 750 families. It is my desire to help 750 business owners generate their first $50,000 in profits! Something is burning in me to help the beginner!

Are you struggling to figure out what you should market? Or what kind of business could TRULY become something that you, 18 years from now, could not only be proud of, but you could use to change the lives of others?

Do you dream at night of no longer struggling with your bills, trying to figure out how you’ll get through to the other side and finally come out profitable?




I've been running businesses for over 18 years. Working online has been the key and doorway to a very successful business for me. But learning to not work 90 hours per week, sacrifice my time with family for profits in business has been a BIG linchpin I want to impart into new business people.

The biggest challenge that most business owners will encounter is this: Burnout.

They will hear from all the experts that as long as they have enough products they will always be wealthy. They map out their "My Biggest Successful Business Profit Map" and before you know it, the desire to impact people's lives is overtaken by a desire to make money.

NOW we enter the nightmare.

The business is now designed by "How much money can I make" and not, "How can I impact people's lives in a big way." Selling products and making money becomes the goal and getting a credit card from a client that goes through is what defines success. UGH.

Let me show you how to STOP selling your time and energy while building a hugely successful online business. YOU decide when to work, what to offer and how to run your business because it MIRRORS your lifestyle, your heart and your mission. No more low balling your prices and no more creating a business you can't even support.

When you can build an online business that serves the RIGHT people and is driven by making a BIG change, wealth will follow you.

Let's look at my track record:

I made my first million dollars in under 2 years of working for myself. The company I currently run is 5 years old, but we were able to go past 7 figures in our first 7 months. HOW is that possible?

Lessons I've learned and have been CRAVING to teach beginning business owners is the legacy that I want to leave, which means YOUR GOALS are now more important than mine. It would be my honor to help you to create something you can be proud of and that will last.

In 2014, we now have a corporate office, a CEO, a wonderful team and over 1.8 MILLION people who connect with me on social media. So… this becomes, "Where do I start, Sandi?" I am ready to answer that with this 7 semester course.



Business plans
Choosing your right business
Knowing what will be profitable & what won't.
Email marketing
How to create a website that Google LOVES
Managing your expenses
Social media marketing
Time management
Working with a family
Running a business on the side
Making $1 million as an author
Web design




This class is PERFECT for anyone who has a dream to start their own business and needs personal mentoring AND marketing help!

I want to help you plan out your business, create a brand, hit your pricing perfectly, manage your expenses, get all the legal aspects of your business in place, do your email, blog and social media marketing masterfully! I want to HELP YOU, the beginner.

The “Small Business Made Simple” mentorship is a 7 semester course, run just like a college level class with online lecture halls, a private Facebook group, a membership area with audios, videos and resources. I am going to open the doors to an exclusive mentorship for just 750 people who are serious about working with me and my team of experts.





Sandi Krakowski

Sandi is the President & Founder of A Real Change International, Inc. She is also one of the most sought after marketers in the world, the BEST Facebook marketing expert globally, and she specializes in social media, copywriting and digital media. She has personally mentored over 50,000 entrepreneurs in the last years 5 years and is passionate about helping people live a life of destiny.



Jeremy Krakowski

Jeremy is a digital media director, a marketing expert, a videotographer and has an expertise in affiliate marketing, creative design & media, remarketing ads and helping new business owners think clearly through difficult processes. He has a passion for seeing others make their first 6-figures as he did at 20 years old.








Are YOU Ready To Kickstart The Future?





SOLD OUT!!! Congrats to all of the students who got a spot in this amazing mentorship!