Personal Note From Sandi-

Many things have changed in the last ten months. Many of you have heard that I was walking out the hardest season of my life. Because you are not only our customers, but you’re like family, I wanted to give you all some updates.

At the end of last year, I made a decision to walk away from the shame, and the fear of what people might think if I took responsibility for my life. After years of praying, hiding, living in pain and sadness, I had to come to grips with the reality that my marriage was not as I had made it appear, and I filed for a divorce.

I’ve struggled for many years and this decision was not made hastily or taken lightly. I’m grateful for the wise counsel and love of spiritual fathers and mothers, and pastors in my life. Freedom is what Jesus fought for and I’m thankful for His wisdom and discernment in tough situations.

We ask that you please keep us in your prayers at this time. We choose to keep details private, and respectful and ask that you honor that. My sons and I are very grateful for your love to us. It’s been the hardest thing in my life to walk through, but this I do know: God will turn even this pain into something that brings Him glory.