The Glorious Schizophrenic Website- WordPress

By: Sandi Krakowski

One of the most universal publishing platforms for websites is WordPress. Having built my entire 7-figure business in this publishing platform we've become close intimate friends, WordPress and I. But there's a side to WordPress that so many people miss.

The truth is that WordPress has a split personality. It's a dual thinker and it's a split quadrant. It is indeed the glorious schizophrenic website.

The beauty of WordPress could best be defined with the example of marrying an engineer to a techno glam rocker. Opposites to the extreme! It's like bringing an accountant and an artist together into the same brain. But there's no collision, no chaos and all runs beautifully well. In plain English, it's schizophrenic!

But what a gem of a multiple personality friend it is!

Until recently, we had two choices when it came to building a website. We could hire an overly priced web designer and become a part of web hosting slavery for the rest of our career. If we wanted to have any updates put onto our site, had changes in copy or anything else– we had to contact this person to do this for us. Or… we could learn Dreamweaver and do it ourselves. If you are like me looking at HTML was like translating hieroglyphics, the more I tried to learn it the more confused I became. Sadly, I recently heard of an expert copywriter who is teaching up and coming copywriters how to get online tell his students to learn Dreamweaver.  His idea was along the lines that this would add to their skill and portfolio.  I about blew a head gasket. "Sure," I thought, "Just confuse them with that technical monster so that they'll never write 6-figure producing copy! That's a brilliant idea!" Ugh.

Maybe it's because I'm a mother of three amazing sons, have homeschooled for 19 years and I know that not everyone learns in the same way. Or maybe it's because I've studied the cognitive brain and know that more than ½ of the entire population learns by 'action and doing' during their classroom studies. Or it could be that because I am such an out-of-the-box teacher and have seen such amazing results with my students I get very protective when someone gives misinformation and leads people astray like that. I don't know……all I know is I feel a moral obligation to tell you today- you do NOT need to learn Dreamweaver nor do you have to hire a web designer to have a million dollar business online.

If you are technical minded and have numbers appear in some of your dreams at night, WordPress is for you! If you see the world in 4 dimensions and Avatar was very normal for your thought processes, WordPress is also for you!

It's the most beautiful marriage between both sides of the brain I have ever seen in my entire 14 years of business. Quite frankly, there is no reason to not have a beautiful business website ever again. Get rid of the free service websites out there and let go of the web master slavery- this is your answer.

WordPress was designed by Matt Mullenweg. Matt is one of PC World's Top 50 People on the Web,'s 30 under 30, and Business Week's 25 Most Influential People on the Web. His really cool website is:  To say that Matt put Web 2.0 on the map and made it easier for all of us to succeed is really an under statement. Ironically he's not even 30 yrs old! Imagine with all that is inside of that amazing brain what we'll be exposed to in upcoming years!

Matt took a vision and made it reality with WordPress. It didn't stop there. He revolutionized how business was done online. He set the 'web master and web design slavery victims' free!

Every single day a new plug-in is created, a new feature discovered, something new is discovered to make WordPress not only easy to use, profitable for the average business owner but it has become the most universal publishing platform on the internet today!

More than 8.5 % of all sites on the Intranet are now in WordPress Matt announced at a recent Word Camp.  It's no small wonder that the most influential and successful websites in the world use WordPress.

Did you know that eBay is built in WordPress?

The largest shopping cart system in the world. Makes me wonder why anyone who owns an ecommerce business would even consider operating it outside of WordPress. I built one of my ecommerce businesses to over $ 4.5 million in 3 years and let me just say this, if I had WordPress I would NOT have had a $ 28,000 per month overhead- no way! It would have been so much easier to run. AND cost effective!

Wordpress allows you to edit your pages, create perfectly aligned tables, write copy that looks beautiful, layout your images and videos in just the right spot and you don't need to know one single line of coding or HTML. It's wonderful! By the way the entire website at Early To Rise is built in WordPress. They wisely made the switch a few months ago.

Just in case you thought WordPress was just a blogging platform, think again! There are three ways to use WordPress for business.

WordPress can be used as a list-building site, a product (sales) site or an aggregator site. All can be easily done with this publishing platform. is a healthy mix of all three with a combination of products, news and her list building activities for her newsletter, magazine and ad campaigns. Don't think it's a coincidence when you comment on her blog or opt in for her email news that you 'just so happen' to be receiving regular mail campaigns which tell you what she's doing or a sample issue of "O" magazine in your mailbox.

An aggregator website would be something like CNN, Fox News. A website that pulls in feeds from different news sources.

A list-building site is pretty self-explanatory. It's a site that gives specific information and the purpose is to create a house list that can be later used to market to. With all the tools WordPress uses to connect to Social Media and Search Engines a tidal wave of traffic can be yours!

A product site would have a product or service to market. My first WordPress blog was built this way when I began to market my copywriting and marketing consultations. It served as a 'sifting' device to bring me the most qualified prospects. With my portfolio, endorsements, results and samples it would often times close the deal before I even spoke to someone on the phone. Connected to aWeber with email autoresponders it was a beautiful tool that created a 7-figure income for me in under 24 months.

The most exciting thing about running a WordPress site is exploring the flexibility of the software platform. Hundreds of plugins and themes are available to let you create a site that functions the way you need it to.

Plugins are like attachments on a vacuum. They allow you to do things quickly that might have otherwise taken a long time. When I first began to explore the backlink and smart link abilities that WordPress could give me with just a plugin I removed several hours of billable work to someone else from my operating budget. Now I just use a plugin that takes seconds to install and does all the work behind the scenes for me.

Wordpress beautifully connects to and Social Media sites like Twitter and Facebook making even the beginner capable of competing with other more experienced business owners online. This is your key to organic traffic and being on Google's front page quickly! Many of my students who go through my WordPress end up on page one of Google in less than 7 days for their respective keywords!

WordPress is diverse, easy to use, has amazing extensibility and connects you to all major search engines and social media connections in seconds.

If you've had a misinformed Web Designer tell you that WordPress isn't a good option for you- think again. The only reason that any web person or graphics expert would say that is simple- they can't make as much money as they currently are with elaborate graphics and flash inside of WordPress. Personally I'd love to train up an entire team of top notch 6 & 7 figure Graphics and Web people so that the best customization was available for my clients. Imagine what kind of income someone could 'walk into' if they could become a WordPress customization expert. That my friends, is a topic that we'll touch on at a later date.

Here are some closing tips.

1.    Don't use the free platform found at if you are building a business website or blog. This can be controlled and legislated by WordPress and you lose your right to publish whatever you want.

2.    Do get WordPress hosting from your favorite hosting provider and take the plunge today!

3.    Remember that WordPress is simple to use and will open doors for you quickly. But don't get stuck in having to 'know it all' before you begin to build your business site. Remember that "Ready, FIRE, Aim" is the approach to success that many 7-8 figure marketers online are using in WordPress.

Have fun with WordPress…. If you feel like your brain is about to pop or you just can't seem to figure out what to do next I specialize in translating the "Greek" and bringing people into the profit zone FAST! I'd love to meet you personally in one of my classes.

[Editor note: Content from this article appeared first in the #1 newsletter for business in the world, Early To Rise. For more information about how you can grow your business, increase wealth and ‘play’ with the big guys in business, subscribe to their newsletter! You can find them at: ]


Sandi Krakowski spent 6 years in the Direct Sales industry building a $ 4 million dollar company that was run 100% online through eCommerce, building large sales forces in network marketing and home business industries. Expanding her skill set and offerings to her clients she invested over $ 200,000 to gain the powerful knowledge and wealth of skill her clients paid dearly for to earn millions for their companies. She went onto build a 7-figure marketing and copywriting firm in just 20 months. 

Currently she runs one of the fastest growing training venues teaching beginners to experts how to really use the internet to it's fullest capacity. Clients such as EarlyToRise.comGina Alexander and Bob Bly have referred their own customers to Sandi for her WP Training. 

She teaches with a style that is passionate, intense and fun! Her students say that they get more value from Sandi in one hour than they've paid months for from other online 'experts' who can craft great headlines but don't deliver results.

Sandi has a free report entitled, “The Biggest Mistake People Make With A WordPress Site” 95% of people make a single mistake with WordPress that costs them huge losses in their business! 

Don't let this be YOU! Grab this report now!!