I sure hope you're having a great holiday weekend if you live in the USA! This is the last weekend that people flock to the beaches, get outside, have a BBQ and get in some good family time before the school schedules are full in swing. 

Even if you aren't in the USA I also hope you are taking some time before we start heading into the next big season online…. this is when Black Friday Specials and Christmas promotions completely change the way many people do business for a few months!

As you can see above, we were having a blast yesterday going to a few stores…do you like the pink? 🙂

We had some fun INSIDE with it being 98 degrees here in Indiana! After a movie with Alan, his parents and my 16 yr old we had an awesome BBQ indoors complete with one of the best bottles of Chardonnay I've had in a long long time! 

The reason I'm writing you is to let you know that at 4:00 pm ET we are retiring one of our top products into the A Real Change Product vault. Maybe you missed the email we sent out yesterday….

Many of you grabbed this series of trainings and even wrote me personal emails last night that you were BLOWN away that this information and training wa savailable outside of a high end coaching program!

This is why we are retiring it…. it's a very exclusive training that will become a part of our High End Coaching that we're creating in the next 12 months and something we'll pattern other trainings after. Which is why in all good conscience we had to give you all one last time to get it for yourself…. before the only other way you can have access to it is by paying $ 1500 in one of our top programs.

This information will be locked up at 4:00 pm ET today. At 4:01pm ET it's gone, locked up. Please don't ask for it again.

What you'll get:

  • Hour #1- WordPress, Your Ideal Client, Your Message, Your offer
  • Hour #2 & 3 – Your Mindset, Your Purpose And Your Business 
  • Hour #4 & 5- Facebook Marketing, Headline, Ads and Online Marketing
  • Hour #6- Media Buys, Shared Advertising And Offline Advertising
  • Hour #8 – MORE Media Buys, Advertising In Magazines, Offline Ads, And PPC
  • Hour #9 & 10- Invisible Internet Influence
  • Hour # 11- eCommerce Made Easy, Ads On Your Blog & Blogging
  • Hour # 12- & 13 – Wrapping it up and WHAT to do for the next 90 days!

If you are serious about your business online- get yours NOW!  

Once it's gone, it's gone. RETIRED… out of commission, in our product vault… under lock and key.

With love,

Sandi Krakowksi

P.S.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend! You really do mean the world to all of us here at A Real Change! 🙂