Hello!! It's a beautiful morning to be alive and free!
Happy 4th of July weekend to you!
Today, I am on day three of a delicious digital fast. I actually wrote this email on Thursday night and uploaded it so I wouldn't forget to tell you.

Typically the newsletter comes out every Monday and Thursday…. but because this is a great time to unplug, no MacBookPro, no Facebook, no email, no Twitter, no nothing internet related…..

…. I thought I'd just pop in and say —

I believe in you!

I believe in your dreams!

I believe you can do anything you set your mind to do!

You are amazing!

You are powerful!

You can do anything!

Nothing is impossible!

Let's rock it together, shall we?

Hop on over to Facebook tomorrow morning, with your fresh morning java or tea…. I'll be back online on Tuesday at 6 am ET… and will SO welcome your smiling faces!!

To radical profits online,

Sandi Krakowski

ps….. don't ever take your freedom for granted. It is worth protecting. Blessings to you and your family!