🙂 !!!!!!!!  

(and 3,345 new people on my list) 

It's a HAPPY DAY here at A Real Change! The doctor said I can do a 15 minute video AND some light exercise!  OMG…. the most activity I've had since last Wednesday!  WOOT WOOT! Let's throw a party! The latest update is that my inflammatory markers on my blood tests and more are at their lowest in 21 years! That is SUPER good news! They're waiting for other results and are very hopeful!  Much well-documented evidence that the low dose usage of hydrocortisone has been studied by many Functional Medicine doctors as an incredible tool for much of what I'm battling! You can read more on that on a Google Search. Study:  The Safe Use Of Low Dose Cortisol. In the meantime……I've been told to 'Do What You LOVE! Enjoy yourself!' (which is good for my cortisol levels! LOL ) and you are a big part of that. 

My friends, when you do what you love, you'll thrive. And when you know how to outsource, hire good help, lay aside all the bells and whistles and chasing every fantasy and whim on social media… you will get ahead. It's TIME TO FOCUS. 2014 will be here before we know it and it is predicted to be the BIGGEST EXPLOSIVE YEAR for social media ever in it's history!

I'm so grateful for my team here at ARC. They are fantastic! A SPECIAL THANK YOU goes out to my Chief Operations Manager, Mr Luke Bickle, for keeping the team strong and on task.  You are amazing Luke and we are so grateful for you!

From my client care reps who keep people happy and serve with their whole heart to my coaches who are directing and moving people along in our system to my videoguy, web team, to my Billing Manager to HR to groups manager and chief happiness crew to my social media managers, interns and more! PHEW! I am WELL protected and well covered here at ARC.  Accountant and attorney and head Twitter "did you see that comment" team…… everyone is pulling together and making sure that you are our primary focus

Today I'm happy to say I'll be doing an Inner Circle video that will continue to SHOCK the industry! WHY is it so shocking? Because I'm teaching things for $97 per month that most people charge $3000 at a big event to learn!

On today's agenda we're covering something BIG!

What's New! What you can use TODAY! What to watch out for on Facebook and Twitter. A BIG assignment to activate immediately and AD WRITING techniques. LISTEN carefully on this one..  I'm going to show all Inner Circle members how to get MORE opt ins to their email list, attract the right clients and increase sales with ONE special ad tip on Facebook that I've been testing out and it helped me to gain 3,335 NEW people to my list in under a month with this ONE method!

I will be delivering that tip by 5:00 pm ET in our private Facebook Group! See you there!


With love,

Sandi Krakowski 

Sandi Krakowski