Sandi Krakowski Fun Apps

Some Apps I'm Having Fun WIth 

I LOVE Apps! I'm an Appaholic!

While I don't have a million apps on my phone (oh my word what a mess that would be!) I do enjoy new apps to play with and use in my business.

Some of my favorite apps to use everyday are photo apps that can be used to create quotes and inspirational messages. I also enjoy apps that make taking photos easier! If you follow me on InstaGram you'll see that I LOVE to take photos! (Follow me now… let's have some fun!)

Here are some of my latest favorite apps-

Clapmera- This is the perfect app for when you want to show a cute outfit and there's no one in the room to take your picture! I mean seriously… don't you hate it when there is NO ONE available to take your picture? (Don't you also hate when the person taking your photo always chops off your head?) This makes it easy to be INDEPENDENT and take photos anytime!  Clap, snap and there ya go!

InstaFrame– Ok, welcome to the world of apps. Apparently there are no copyright laws or something because you can see 3 apps on my phone with the name "InstaFrame'  LOL Or maybe I'm just missing it and they're all owned by the same company. Who knows!  The first InstaFrame app, going from the left to the right, top row, is a great app for creating beautiful photos, quotes, collages and more!

InstaFrame- Going to the right now, on the top row! This InstaFrame does exactly the same thing as the top row but there are many more options. I love both of these!

Squareready- This is the app you use when that photo you took was SO tall or SO wide that InstaGram cuts it off! UGH! Don't despair, Squareready will make your photo a perfect square and you can even pick a color to fill in the background as it resets your image. PERFECT!  

TweeGram- This is one of my favorite apps to use for creating quotes, inspirational sayings and for adding text to my photos. LOVE it!  

VeraGram- This app is identical to TweeGram and has many more frames, colors and backgrounds to choose from. I bought almost all of the different packages. WONDERFUL!  

InstaQuote– Great app for creating your own inspirational quotes and sayings. Very much like TweeGram with more backgrounds.  

InstaGram- One of my FAVORITE social media apps! You can use it on your smartphone and view images from a browser on your computer as well! Get it and follow me! Sandi's InstaGram Page   

Vine- Twitter's latest tool! If photos are Facebook's baby, then videos are what Twitter birthed! The concept of taking 6 second videos is amazing! Here's a tip- if you read an average tweet out loud you can do so in less than 6 seconds. Follow me on Vine inside of the app for some tips on how to use it! You'll find them right on my account.

InstaFrame- Another one!  More collages, inspirational quotes you can create and picture frames.

QuickVoice Pro– A great app for sending voice messages via email or text. While sending a text is fast, sometimes you need your voice attached to give some direction. I'm just starting to use this more and more.

Oceanwaves– Those of you who know we go to Hawaii a couple times a year to recreate family memories and refresh will understand when I say I love to listen to the waves as I relax during a 15 minute nap. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised at how refreshing it is!

Post some of your favorite apps below! I can't wait to read what you have found!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

sandi krakowski