Article Bio Do's & Dont's For Higher Conversions, More Traffic And Google Page Rank
By: Sandi Krakowski

Guest blogging is a great way to "spread your reach" and gain influence with groups of people you might not otherwise be connected with. It's also a WONDERFUL way to grow your list!

There are specific steps you'll want to take when guest blogging to attract new clients. Creating a long term connection with the audience you have the honor to serve can be beautifully bridged with guest blogging.

Bio Creation For More Traffic

Here are some simple steps to writing a great bio and getting the best results from your guest blogging efforts:

Headlines Hold The Weight – If they don't get past the headline, they won't read the content. HOOK ME quickly so I can't help but to continue reading.

Even though you're writing a publication (your newsletter and blog posts) don't forget to use good copy writing tips to get the best result. If you get me really interested with the headline, I'll keep reading right through to the opt- in.

A good article headline should make me go beyond just curious, compel me, grab me and make me feel like you read my mind!

Remember Your Audience

When I go into a conference call, onto a group call with clients or even in a live face to face consultation, I have to remind myself WHO I am speaking to.

This may sound obvious, but even when you have two groups of people who are your ideal clients, it's still quite possible that the level of experience and understanding of the training can be very different.

For example- we serve clients in our Inner Circle Group and we have clients in our Diamond Group. Both are our "ideal client" but both aren't at the same level. This might be elementary, but lines get foggy if you aren't careful.

I review what each group has last seen, and what my focus will be for the next hour right before a call. Keeping on target with answers suitable to that respective group not only helps my clients to get what they need, but it helps me to teach in a very 'clear' mindset.

The SAME holds true with your articles.

Create A Golden Thread

In the world of copywriting an 'invisible thread' needs to run through… from start to finish, the entire content of the article, training and even a tele-class presentation. This keeps you the writer on track and your clients engaged.

The "thread" starts at the top and weaves it's way through the entire article. It is referred to by millionaire copywriters as THE Golden Thread.

Words become GOLDEN when this high-powered thread holds everything together.

A CTA In The Bio, Not The Article

If the "Golden Thread" is done correctly you have some type of CTA, things such as comment below, register now, come to Facebook and tell me what you think. 

It will happen naturally and without a pause. Give a GENTLE call to action and watch you rconversions sky rocket. Hit the reader with a powerful CTA every time and they'll never trust you.. or worse yet, label you as 'slime'. 

NOTE: pay attention to my next point carefully please.

Keep It Simple Silly

A bio is not the place to "vomit" everything about yourself. It needs to be brief, bright and business like. This is NOT the place to tell me all about your accolades and accomplishments. I'll find those on your site if you're doing it right.

It is also not the place to give me every point of connection for you! Don't post your website, Twitter page, Facebook page, phone number, email and the like. You'll appear too desperate you will also DESTROY your Google ranks!

Google looks for engagement and they also watch where people are at before they come to your site. Directing people to your social media channel from a guest blog article does NOTHING for your Google rank.

ALL roads lead to your blog!

Drive them to your blog with a free report, book, video or whatever you have for free.

Tell me briefly what you do, what others say about you and BAM!, offer me something for free. Then leave it.

THIS is the recipe our clients are using to see valuable back links built, SEO rankings go up and opt ins triple!

Go rewrite your BIO now… and then come back to this page and tell me, "I did it!"

With love,
Sandi Krakowski


sandi krakowski