About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

“WHY Facebook Is The #1 Platform For This Generation”

  "WHY Facebook Is The #1 Platform For This Generation"  In today's episode of ARealChange.TV I'm sharing a full training session I just did in my Inner Circle coaching program. BE FOREWARNED: This is raw, it's real and it's READY to give you very strategic methods you can use today to grow your client reach. Are you doing direct mail? Do you ever do phone prospecting, post card mailings, lead generation from your blog? Let me show you WHY and HOW Facebook is outpacing ALL of these methods of marketing and why it's imperative that ANYONE with any message get very good at Facebook marketing. Real time statistics, daily connection, instant feedback and data... it's a marketers dream! Watch this 20 minute training now and BE SURE you have a pen and paper ready! [...]

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Using Your Social Media Profile Wisely

Facebook and Twitter are really easy to use. All you have to do is log into an app and type your words, hit post and it's live. Depending on how big your following is, thousands of people will instantly see it. The Library of Congress will file it if it's done on Twitter. A cataloging for Open Graph Search will save it, if it's done on Facebook. It troubles me greatly when I hear pastors, leaders and others referring to social media like it's a ficititious world.  It's a VERY real world and a VERY serious thing. These are real people, with real lives and real stories. But it's even bigger than that. Social media is the #1 platform that this entire generation uses globally as it's top means of communication. So that means if [...]

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What If I Believed?

What If I Believed? Do you ever feel like there's no hope? You carry all the pain of this life around your neck? And yet.... God is drawing you to bigger things? Today I heard a song that has only 100 views and with all that is within me, all I can say is this song needs 1 MILLION views! Please, my friends, take a few moments and listen to this. I have NEVER done this before on my blog. People send me songs everyday.. but this one. THIS ONE. TODAY... it ruined me. What if I believed? With love, Sandi Krakowski ​

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You Were Designed And Created To BE MORE!

You Were Designed And Created To BE MORE! So many people live in darkness every single day struggling and hoping for things to break free. I'd like to suggest to you today that you were CREATED and designed by God to be more than you've ever imagined was possible. This state of being is not for yourself, your own ego or even your own fulfillment. It's designed that others might know the true love and amazing grace of God on the earth. When we make ourselves smaller to accomodate the opinions of men, we lessen this power that God gave all of humanity to be powerful! Let me break this to you gently. It's time for God's people to stop being so terrified of the devil. If we got a revelation of who God [...]

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