About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

It’s time to BE more!

I have a word for all of us. I believe God is seeking to empower us and lift us up. He's not wanting to tear us down. The word is this: Set aside offenses Quit protecting what you want Don't be so easily offended Quit guarding what you like and value Work as a team Don't take everything so personally Stop fighting for independence Do warfare against any and all darkness that has crept in Don't buy into "they don't understand" The enemy of your life, your anointing, your calling and your dreams will seek to isolate you in a corner, weaken you & make you think life 'isn't fair' and all that is against you is not against anyone else and you are all alone. It's a lie. Stop looking inward and start [...]

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What Is A Real Change International, Inc?

[vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199392164/e8578615fa" align="center"] So many people ask me everyday, "What is A Real Change International, Inc, the company you own Sandi?"  This will help! I am SO proud of my team! this made me cry..... We've grown in just 4 years to a global brand serving more than 1 million clients all over the world. But the heart and core of who we are and what we do is conveyed in this short message. Watch now! Please share with your friends!  

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Facebook Marketing For ANY Business Or Ministry!

Facebook Marketing For ANY Business Or Ministry! WOW what a crazy few days I've just lived through! Many of you know I hopped on a plane with about a 2 week notice to go visit with some folks from The International House Of Prayer in Kansas City. But what happened after that was TRULY remarkable... After spending considerable time in meetings that were 2 hours on Wednesday, 10 hours of TRAINING on Thursday and another 4 hours with leaders on Friday, it became VERY apparent to the leadership team of Mike Bickle and staff that social media was not only a VERY effective tool for reaching the world with, but Facebook Marketing SPECIFICALLY was something they were very serious about getting very good at. Look at the picture above!! My friends.... Daniel Lim, one of the [...]

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ENDURANCE…. it’s the sign of a Champion!

  ENDURANCE.... it's the sign of a Champion! Everyday someone asks me how to stay positive if their spouse or family is very negative. Easy- love them, just don't be LIKE them! Get a good support system around yourself. If you're in a very abusive or dangerous situation, get OUT of that situation! Get good Godly counseling. BE all that God designed for you to be! Some of you may have to endure for a season. Be willing to endure so that your entire family could be changed! GO the extra mile! Be willing to endure for the sake of the entire heritage of your family. I'm not suggesting you endure and suffer abuse, beatings or anything like that. No. But I am suggesting we stop using our family as an excuse for why [...]

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