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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Your Gifts, Talents & Abilities And How To Use Them Daily For An Incredible Life!

  You were uniquely designed with a gift inside of you. It is designed to help your brain operate at it's most highest level. It is wired so that everyday can be like a FRIDAY where you feel fantastic and on top of your game. And in relation to business or ministry, it is what God gave so that YOU would impact the world for Him. It is my FIRM conviction that each of us, operating in our gifts, can create a world that is beyond our wildest dreams. As a matter of fact, let me challenge you with this one thought- Did you know that those dreams in your heart, the longing inside of you to BE more, DO more and to GO beyond where you currently are is actually knitten and woven inside [...]

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Facebook Engagement Ratios And Open Graph Search

Facebook Engagement Ratios And Open Graph Search With all the changes going on with Facebook it would be easy to get confused by what actually DOES matter and what a business owner should be doing on their Facebook Timeline Business Page. Open Graph Search made some critical changes in the Facebook Environment and there are key things a business must be doing to create a higher enagement ratio. Listen today as I share "Facebook Engagement Ratios" made easy for ANY business! Facebook Marketing like an expert just got easier! WATCH NOW! ​

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The Changing Face Of Social Media In 2013

The Changing Face Of Social Media In 2013 Facebook Open Graph & Engagement  Facebook has made continual changes during the last 12 months that will drastically change how business is done, forever.  With the Timeline changes leading the way, we then saw how promoted posts and sponsored stories were a necessary tool for businesses to prosper! Now, Facebook Open Graph Search creates a demand that will cause more than 50% of businesses using Facebook pages to lose their way- The Cost Of Engagement Open Graph Search is driven by many factors but the most critical one to understand is how a business pages engagement score will steer everything! If you're NOT using #Hashtags (which we taught in October of 2012, predicting they would make their way to Facebook!) it will be harder than ever [...]

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The Magic Of Auto responders

    How To Wave Your Magic Wand With Auto Responders For Increased Sales and Customer Retention By: Sandi Krakowski One of the most enjoyable things for me about writing sales copy, email campaigns and auto responders is when a client replies to an email I have written and says, “Ok Sandi, I’ve been following you for quite sometime now and I still can’t tell if this was written to me personally (because it made me feel great!) or if it was an auto responder!”  These emails tickle me because it means they are written well and my clients love to interact with me. Do you love to hear from your clients?  Here’s a secret- if you do they’ll love to ‘talk back’ to you! A recent email I sent out to my entire list triggered [...]

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