About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Have You Had Enough Of Just Surviving Everyday?

  [vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199367727/f6296732d4" align="center"] Have You Had Enough Of Just Surviving Everyday? Do you FEEL that churning in your belly that there has GOT to be more than this? Well there is. Watch this video NOW! You won't regret it!

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Facebook Marketing For Business & A New Age Of Markteing: 1,292,799 Saw This Post, 85,344 Likes

A New Age Of Marketing 1,292,799 Saw This Post, 85,344 Likes What if only 10% of these results were seen in your company? What if your church had 10% of these results? Do you have a message that the world needs to hear? Then keep reading. How on EARTH does someone get 1,292,799 people to see a post and then have 85,344 like it? Facebook Ads. That's how.  We are in a NEW AGE of Marketing and it's time that every company, university, ministry and anyone doing any sort of 'getting the word' out pay attention closely. Many will be asking the BIG question: HOW does this translate to sales? If 85,344 people LIKE something on Facebook it will show to those who are also their friends. This means that the demographic and psychographics [...]

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How To Use Videos For Your Next Product Launch

  How To Use Videos For Your Next Product Launch  PLUS! A Special Old-School Marketing ALERT! You've been working hard on your product! It's time to release it to the world! What better way to get the message across so that sales just start rolling in instantly- USE VIDEO! Video carries an energy and an authority that can't be beat. In 2013 this generation LOVES video! Video sales pages can convert at a rate of over 32% more than most old school sales pages. Watch today's episode for some quick tips on your next product lauch. These work for any sized business and quite honestly, any product. OLD SCHOOL MARKETING ALERT: At the end of today's episode I'm going to set the record straight on something that will destroy your product launches. It's a BIG KEY [...]

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Falling Panties And Online Success

  Don't Get Caught With Your Panties Down & How A Big Typo Made Me Huge Profits By: Sandi Krakowski The year was 1999 and our kitchenware business had just passed a record in profits. Things were booming! Our list had grown to over 30,000 customers, we were publishing a regular newsletter 4x per month, doing regular direct sales campaigns and everyone was tickled pink with the products they bought! Weekly products were mailed to my house to review for possible sale. Blenders, gadgets, oven inserts and more! Books came on a weekly basis as well! We had our regular meeting set to roll out our weekly plan. My staff (one other working at home Mom) and I created a newsletter, set sale prices, came up with special promotions and got ready to send [...]

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