About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Join me in Dallas, TX!! Get ready for the time of your life! God is moving through business, families and social media in a way that has NEVER before been recorded in history!

  People ask all the time, "Did you make your millions teaching people? I mean seriously... where is the proof?" and I am SO GLAD they do! Yes, there are some people who unfortunately are teaching others how to create wealth who have NEVER created wealth the good ole fashioned way... selling a product or service to do so.  My first business 17 years ago was a kitchenware company that grew to $30k in my first year and  over $4.5 million in sales by our second year and completely revolutionized how certain mixers are sold online forever. We also grew 2 vitamin stores, where over 1000 brands were sold (much like an offline health food store) simultaneously and those both grew to over $5million in our first 2 years.  My career then took me [...]

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Timeless Copywriting Lessons- Read Their Mind & Hear Their Heart

Timeless Copywriting Lessons- Read Their Mind & Hear Their Heart   By: Sandi Krakowski   What do people look for in a weight loss product?  What is it that motivates millions to purchase one more product in hopes of finally reaching their goal…. even if they didn’t lose weight numerous times before?   These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself if you're selling a weight loss product.   I've sold millions of dollars in weight loss products. It became nearly an obsession of mine knowing what people look for in a weight loss purchase. Guess what? They aren't looking for another special ingredient. They are looking for something that works. Period. When I see someone attempting to market a new product on Facebook or Twitter with posts like, "This [...]

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Twitter Strategies To Use When Engaging With Your Followers and How To Use The Retweet Communication Effectively

  Twitter Strategies To Use When Engaging With Your Followers and How To Use The Retweet Communication Effectively In today's episode we are going to talk about Twitter. How to use Twitter for business and how to create wonderful engagement. Relationship is what will set you apart from all the other "Yay-hoos" who simply want to make a buck and take advantage of people. Rather than thinking short term and 'how much cash can I make' my best marketing advice for you is to GO LONG! Go far! Build an amazing relationship with your clients so that everything you build lasts long! Learn some best practices when doing a RT-retweet and how to use the @Mention comment . These strategies will show you how to not only make a great impression but will also enable you to make people feel great! [...]

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FAMILY FOOD in a hurry with a business! Easy Organic Burger & Sweet Potato Fries

FAMILY FOOD in a hurry with a business! Easy Organic Burger & Sweet Potato Fries   Do you know what’s for dinner tonight?  I recently read a quotation by Best Selling Author and Mother of 5, Deniece Schofield.  She said, “I spent the first twenty years of my life wondering who I would marry. I spent the next twenty years wondering what I should fix for dinner.”  I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I read that, because it’s so true!  I think every woman (and I’m sure men too!) can relate to that statement.  Every day brings us a new opportunity to answer the same question we answered yesterday- “What’s for dinner?” If you’re working hard to feed your family for amazing health, like I am, this question can seemingly take on [...]

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