About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Poverty In The Mind Of A Business Owner

Poverty In The Mind Of A Business Owner By: Sandi Krakowski   You wouldn't think that most business owners online struggle with a lack mindset, but many do. It is evident in workaholism, poor decision making and even lack-minded management. As a 'budding entrepreneur' it's critical that you understand this plague and protect yourself from it.   What does poverty look like in a company and more specifically in the life of a business owner and how can you stay clear of this horrific condition?   To be impoverished and live in lack according to Webster's Dictionary is:   The state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.   Scarcity goes one step further:     The quality or state of being scarce; especially:  want of provisions [...]

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ARealChange.TV- Episode #38 HOW To Overcome Fear In Any Area Of Your Life

    Episode #38- HOW To Overcome Fear In Any Area Of Your Life Today's episode comes to you live from Hawaii! I want to share with you some steps that I take daily to overcome fear in my own life. Fear is a normal part of our human condition. What we do with it defines if we'll live the life of a Champion or if we'll become a pawn and be run over. Let me teach you how to overcome fear, no matter what it is you are afraid of. Oh... and watch closely near the end of the video where a special clip of me and my husband Alan appears from 1200 feet in the air! WOOHOO! You guys mean the world to me. Be encouraged!  YOU can become more than you ever dreamed was possible [...]

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Diving With Manta Rays And Overcoming Fear….

  Diving With Manta Rays And Overcoming Fear.... By: Sandi Krakowski The beautiful thing about fear is when we press through. This past week we've done some pretty scary things. Got really close to a live volcano. Parasailed at 1200 feet over the ocean.... but the biggest thing was diving at night, in the Pacific Ocean with Manta Rays. Manta Rays are not like Sting Rays. They have no stinger and are harmless. But they are ENORMOUS! Mantas can weigh up to 4000 pounds! The ones we swam with.... within 3 inches of my face, were about 2000 pounds and 16 feet wide! Why on earth would I want to swim with these amazing majestic huge creatures in their natural habitat? Because it helps me overcome my fear. The treadmill of self-doubt never ends my friends. [...]

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Make Money With Social Media The Quick, Easy & Fun Way!

  Make Money With Social Media The Quick, Easy & Fun Way! By: Sandi Krakowski Social media is a way to connect with people. People are your prospects, future clients and customers. When I began using social media in 2009 it never dawned on me that I should 'behave' a certain way. It simply meant it was a great way to communicate quickly with millions of people all over the world 24/7.  One of the things I absolutely LOVE about social media is that it never ever sleeps! When my son was hospitalized in 2010 during the month of December it was so comforting and encouraging to have friends and clients to connect with from all over the world at any time of the day or night. I love that! And I love people! [...]

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