About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

My FAVORITE Apps To Use For Business

My FAVORITE Apps To Use For Business Apps can make it easier to run your business anywhere you are at! Right now we're in Hawaii for 12 days and if it wasn't for my apps making it easy to post pictures, share with all of you our fun times and also answer emails a few times per day with my team, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do what we do! (Working just 1-2 hours per day our company with 22 team members and reaching almost a million clients is EASY with apps! Seriously!) Here is my list of my FAVORITE apps that I use for business. Aloha! Facebook Facebook Pages Twitter Hootsuite Instagram GoogleApps InstaProFrame Tweegram Pinterest Socialcam Piccollage Sound Cloud Wordpress Mashable Evernote Pen Ultimate Analytics HD Klout Bizxpense Tracker Seatguru GoToMeeting SlideShark [...]

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ARealChange.TV-Your Hangouts Reveal Alot About YOU!

Episode #37- Your Hangouts Reveal Alot About YOU! Who you hang around all day.... the websites you visit, the people you "Like" or "Dislike" on Facebook and even the people you are drawn to "Follow" on Twitter reveal a LOT about you! As a copywriter I've learned two things- demographics and psychographics. Demographics most people know about. Where someone lives, their income, their gender, age and the like. Psychographics however are very different. They reveal what you like, dislike, are drawn to, will respond quickly to and what you'll even reject, over and over again. Today, I'd like to share with you how to take a good hard look at what you are doing and how it might be affecting your business. Let's get started!

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“A Home Life Guide For 2013: HOW TO Take Control Of Your Finances, Food & Family!”

[vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199266248/2cf01e6b8d" align="center"]   ANNOUNCEMENT! I have a SPECIAL treat for you coming on 12/20! Please watch this video NOW for details "A Home Life Guide For 2013: HOW TO Take Control Of Your Finances, Food & Family!" GET IT NOW!  December Issue delivers 12/20 

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Building A Business In A Prophetic Vortex And Culture

Building A Business In A Prophetic Vortex And Culture Wow, that's a wild title, you think? Don't worry.... this isn't some hookey spookey esoteric nonsense article where I'm going to ask the women to burn their bras and that men dance naked in the desert trying to find their 'higher self'. Far from it. But I do want to discuss the fact that if you have a call on your life for business, God has released angels for you and the ability to you so that you can fulfill your call. I am writing you today to ask, "What are you doing with it?" If you begin to believe that God can take cities, internet realms and more, we're going to see a REAL change! There's a big difference between operating in your gifts [...]

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