About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

ARealChange.TV- How To Handle Facebook Trolls, Nutburgers and Spammers

  Episode #35- How To Handle Facebook Trolls, Nutburgers and Spammers Now that you have a LOT more followers on your Facebook page, because you've been following step by step what we've taught in our last two episodes... I want to prepare you as a Warrior for what lies ahead. Let me break this to you gently- 2 out of every 100 people online are a wee bit too coocoo for Cocoa Puffs! Yup.... not all together straight, if ya know what I mean. They spend their day on Facebook looking for people to argue with. Their self-image is solely reliant on being able to troll Facebook Business pages and a need to correct the expert.  Never fear.... Warrior Training is here! Listen, I have no time for spammers, those who troll my page [...]

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Personal Breakthrough Required To Go Farther Than You Ever Thought Possible In Business

  I was reminded today of something really big that happened one year ago. It was so life changing that I shared it on my blog and with everyone we were connected with. WARNING- when we published this a year ago not a dry eye was in the room....   There are hundreds of thousands of new people connecting with us since that time... and I thought this might be a great time to give many of you HOPE for a new start...reach deep into your own heart and see if you need a BREAKTHROUGH like never before.   Enjoy, Sandi   Personal Breakthrough Required To Go Farther Than You Ever Thought Possible In Business  By: Sandi Krakowski Being afraid to change is a bad habit. Do whatever it takes to break it. Being [...]

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November Emerald Coaching Membership Highlights!

      On Tuesday, November 20th we have a VERY SPECIAL issue of our Elite Emerald Membership Coaching Newsletter to release!  In this special issue there are THREE video trainings, each 12-15 minutes long filled with thousands of dollars of life changing wisdom!   Our first video I'm teaching, "Prosperity VS Poverty: Your Outside Mirrors Your Inside" You won't want to miss this training where I'm revealing how to define the war between prosperity and poverty in your mind and your heart, what key 'symptoms' to look for and how to live in a wealthy state, no matter what your income currently is!   Our second video comes from PJ McClure where he'll be teaching "How To Align Your Priorities Into Your Calendar & Schedule."  Watch PJ map out his entire plan for [...]

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ARealChange.TV: Episode #34- Your Belief + Your Data = Big $$$

ARealChange.TV Episode #34 Your Belief + Your Data = Big $$$ Watch today's episode as I share with you one of my millionaire clients and her big breakthrough we had this week. ; Some of you believe that as soon as you are making $200,000 per month in your business, things are just a smooth breeze. Certainly, creating sales does get a lot easier, but there's a place in business that whether you're making $5,000 per year or $5,000 per day it is all the same. The belief you have about your business and the belief you have IN your business will always affect your profits no matter where you are. When you start making millions of dollars, it's critical that you always keep your 'head out of water' just as the beginner does [...]

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