About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Are You Ready For A Real Change?

  Are You Ready For A Real Change?   2013 will be here before we know it. Many of you are at the point where you know, without a doubt, you are supposed to not only coach with PJ McClure and me in 2013, but you know, without a shadow of a doubt,that something big is going to happen for you in 2013 and you are READY to receive it. You've held a dream of a business in your heart for a long time.  You've gone through all the first steps and you know, this is the TIME to invade the internet space with your message and your product or service. You're teachable and you are ready. You're also committed to NOT working 90+ hours per week as you create your dream life and business! YOU WANT freedom and you are willing [...]

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Do YOU Need A Real Change? 17 Seconds Could Change Everything….

Do YOU Need A Real Change? 17 Seconds Could Change Everything.... [vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199259348/8fe738b04c" align="center"] Your Next Step Might Be here........       Video provided from the amazing team at Elevation Network, as a part of the "Sun Stand Still" book, written by Steven Furtick. We recommend you check him out!"

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3 Easy Steps For Monetizing Your Blog, Increasing Sales & Never Feeling Pushy Or Salesy!

 3 Easy Steps For Monetizing Your Blog, Increasing Sales & Never Feeling Pushy Or Salesy! You can STOP bothering people, intruding in their day and feeling like no one wants to listen to you! In today's ARealChange.TV episode I'm going to show you how to build long lasting relationships with your customers the easy, fun way! When marketing through your blog, Facebook or Twitter it's important that you know what to say and what NOT to say! Believe or not, there is a "Best Practices" code that if you follow, you will make more money, quickly. Let me teach you how to speak to your ideal client, have a great time doing so and the best part is... you'll never feel pushy or salesy! Build strong lasting relationships with your customers the genuine way! [...]

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A well rounded education makes you disposable

  A well rounded education makes you disposable  By: Sandi Krakowski   I got to thinking this morning about how many people are programmed to get a well-rounded education in life and learning.   People go through the motions, learning just enough about as many topics as they can.... and some don't even bother, because it's so darn boring anyways. And what kind of results do we get? We see an entire world filled with people who have NO mastery, NO marketable skill and no special talent. We have a bunch of well-rounded "Nonthinkers" and drones. If you are reading this you are definitely not one of those kind of people.   You'd never survive with some of the radical out of the box thinking we present. I mean give me a break, I have pink [...]

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