About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

The Big Difference Between Running A Business And Having A Job

      The Big Difference Between Running A Business And Having A Job By: Sandi Krakowski Everyday I see people so excited about building their own business and talking about it on Facebook and Twitter. Their excitement inspires me! Their ambition encourages me! But sadly, many will never make the money they are dreaming about. Many gather on phone lines every single day planning and 'masterminding' together about how rich they are going to get. They have dream boards that cover the entire wall of their office and they already know what clothes they are going to wear on that cruise they're planning. Sadly, very few will ever get to their cruise, let alone a small boat. Before it sounds like I'm raining on your parade, my heart and my passion is to cut through [...]

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The Root Of Workaholism And Why It Is Never Tied To Wealth, A Happy Life Or A Dream Business

The Root Of Workaholism And Why It Is Never Tied To Wealth, A Happy Life Or A Dream Business By: Sandi Krakowski Ouch! It's a topic that many people don't want to talk about. Right up there with overeating, procrastination, money management and fitness.... many entrepreneurs really don't want to talk about the topic of workaholism, let alone that it is most likely one of the biggest addictions of it's kind that holds people back and is not linked to wealth. Many wanna be business owners hold themselves back with the excuse that they don't want to be a workaholic, thinking if they don't work, they are working less. Silly thinking, I know. The same wanna be people spend all day on Facebook, Twitter, Google and other web pages blocking out the fact that [...]

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Young Entrepreneur’s Group With Sandi Krakowski- Case Study Group

Young Entrepreneur's Group With Sandi Krakowski 2012-2013 Case Study Group It's time At our recent event, The Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit a 17 year competed against 36 others who were all adults and won a $3,000 cash prize for her business plan. Bethany Liooi, the owner of http://www.OnTaskVa.com has been working with me, as I have coached her, for the last year. She has graduated a year early and is now earning more money than most adults do every year, but she only works 12-15 hours per week. Something in me has been lit to really come alongside a select group of teens and to encourage them, mentor them, groom them.... in their entrepreneurial goals.  What we're doing right now is asking that anyone who is interested please fill out the form below, [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode # 28 Over-Achievers Syndrome & How To Overcome It!

ARealChange.TV Episode # 28 Over-Achievers Syndrome & How To Overcome It! Episode # 26 got A LOT of attention! When we discussed the topic of Unhealthy Competition, never in a milllion years was I able to foresee the kind of response this would create! Small business owners, executives of multi-million dollar brands and company owners who manage hundreds of staff all said that they were so grateful someone was putting a VOICE to this topic, once and for all!  Why is it that no one wants to talk about Unhealthy Competition? It's killing us! It's something that has to be be discussed.... and alongside of that is the issue of Over-Achiever's Syndrome. My friends, this generation is SICK of working 90 hours per week or being told that those who succeed just work harder, work longer, never do anything [...]

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