About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

The Pain We Never Planned In Our Little Girl Journals

It's 3:15 am.I've actually been awake since 1 am.My mind and body are still finding their way in my new life and schedule. Fell asleep into a hard sleep around 9 pm and woke up at 1am thinking it was already time to go to work.My house is quiet. But it's quiet during the day too, with all the kids grown and gone. But the silence now is more peaceful than it has ever been before. Newness. Presence. I'm never alone.My divorce has been a nightmare.For many years I did what all Christian women who believe in the sanctity of marriage do. I believed, prayed, submitted, got counseling, fasted, intercession, and cried out to God till my eyes nearly bled as much as my heart. The hardness of a heart can destroy one's dreams. [...]

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HOW To Start Your Own Coaching Practice To Replace Your Current Income & Open Doors! (no staff, travel or even a lot of overhead!)

 I’ve been coaching for over 17 years. But it wasn’t until I launched my first BIG coaching program in 2010 that sold out in 24 hours and wrote more than $450,000 into my bank account that I began to really understand WHAT it takes to not only run a successful coaching practice, but how to do build one that you can enjoy for a long time.One-on-one coaching has always been what I thought was the“doorway” to a successful business. At least that’s what all the other gurus taught.The biggest challenge that most coaches will encounter is this: Burnout.They will hear from all the experts that as long as they have enough seats in their program sold they will always be wealthy. They map out their “My Biggest Successful Coaching Program Profit Map” and before you know it, the desire to impact [...]

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Are YOU preventing the blessings and promises of God in your life? #MorningMotivation

Are YOU preventing the blessings and promises of God in your life? #MorningMotivation

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Your Guarantee Is About More Than Money

  Your Guarantee Is About More Than MoneyBy Sandi KrakowskiThe first time. It's a full gamut of emotions. You might judge yourself, check your copy, feel like you've failed or worse yet, be mad. Furious! You might even want to challenge the situation!  What am I talking about? The first time someone asks for their money back.If the first place you look is your bottom line, I'm going to challenge that perspective today.Reading through the archives of our newsletters it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that we're serious about our customers and passionate about what we do. A casual reading of our mission statement shows that our focus is always our customer. Delivering the best service, at the best prices, with the best guarantee. It's a business plan with a long term focus and it's [...]

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