About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

  Who Is Your Ideal Client By: Sandi Krakowski You feel the rush of the cool fall air blow thru the trees as you sit on the deck of your dream house, sipping freshly ground coffee with organic rich cream. Taking in thesights, sounds & smell of your dream, which has now become your reality, you wrestle between four topics for this week's newsletter. Each is a great topic and each will meet a need for your target audience. But remembering all the comments on Facebook the week before steers you toward this week's focus. You begin writing...effortlessly. Beating with the heart of your ideal client has made writing, marketing, growing and expanding your company a breeze. They move and live with you. Serving these customers is like second nature to you. Or maybe not. [...]

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A Real Change TV Episode #18- Big Answers For Your Business Regarding Advertising, Marketing & List Promos

    Episode #18- Big Answers For Your Business - LIVE from Chicago! Regarding Advertising, Marketing & List Promos  Last week I asked a question on my Facebook wall.  The question was- "If you had a choice between a gift of $5,000 cash to invest into your business OR being promoted by a business owner with 500,000 people on their list, which would YOU take?" Oh my word! More than 300 of you commented and gave your answer! Listen to today's episode as we dissect this question together and learn about some AMAZING "New Keys" you want to pay attention to when it comes to marketing, advertising and list promotions! Grab a pen and paper and pay VERY CLOSE attention to the video, all the way to the end, when I give you an offer you can [...]

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What You Need To Know About Google’s Panda 3.9 Update And Your Blog

Wh at You Need To K  now About Google’s Panda 3.9 Update And Your Blog  By: Sandi Krakowski Posted on Twitter- July 24, 2012     The newest update of Panda and even Penguin should NOT concern an active blog that is using the A Real Change model. We teach fresh content, warn publically against self-replicated websites and urge often to stay away from plugins that self-populate your blog, including fancy article sites and those that claim they can give you ‘experts content’ with one click of a mouse. The  checklist below will keep you on task and above aboard when it comes to Google and any changes they may choose to implement. BIG KEY- our entire model is built around fresh, relevant content. If you do what we teach, you won’t have problems with Google. If you seek [...]

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Hiring A VA Or Assistant For Your Online Business

Hiring A VA Or Assistant For Your Online Business By: Sandi Krakowski As a business owner, one of your biggest keys to success will be making sure you are doing the things that you are best at and letting others do the rest. For me? If it's not a 6 or 7 figure generating activity, I rarely do it. It wasn't more than 3 months after we started our company A Real Change International, Inc and changed my freelance copywriting firm into a full blown info publishing, training and coaching business, that I knew I needed some help. So the first thing I did, was hire an assistant.  One tip that I give all of my coaching students is this:  "If you can't get something figured out, or completed in under an hour that [...]

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