About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Running A Business And Having A Job- The Great Divide

    Running A Business And Having A Job- The Big Divide  By: Sandi Krakowski Everyday I see people so excited about building their own business and talking about it on Facebook and Twitter. Their excitement inspires me! Their ambition encourages me! But sadly, many will never make the money they are dreaming about. Many gather on phone lines every single day planning and 'masterminding' together about how rich they are going to get. They have dream boards that cover the entire wall of their office and they already know what clothes they are going to wear on that cruise they're planning. Sadly, very few will ever get to their cruise, let alone a small boat. Before it sounds like I'm raining on your parade, my heart and my passion is to cut through the thick [...]

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What are you worth anyways? Do you know? You need to before you can monetize or grow your business……

  What are you worth anyways? Do you know? You need to before you can monetize or grow your business.  Watch this video now!   [vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199254510/2ef2f0fe19" align="center"]      

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Build A Smart Phone Based Business On Your Time Schedule!

  What would 394 NEW paying customers in your business in 22 days do for YOUR paycheck? Many of you will remember that the last week of June 2012, head coach PJ McClure and I met with our Millionaire Mastermind Members, Rochelle Griffin and Jimmy Hays Nelson.   It was an amazing weekend.... a dream come true for me! We were locked away for 2 solid days in a Bed & Breakfast and I gave them my BEST plan for increasing paying clients into their business, QUICKLY. Oh.... and I told them how to do it with NOTHING more than a Smartphone, social media and their blog! Here's their update:  Listen to this!!!    They put 394 people into their organization in just 22 days!!!   They broke records in their company and to [...]

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Opt In Offer Cash- How to create an opt in offer that converts, instantly!

      Episode #17- Opt In Offer Cash- How to create an opt in offer that converts, instantly! If you don't have a client base list, you really aren't building a business. Without a list you're simply putting things "OUT" there and "HOPING" that someone finds you and eventually, buys your stuff! That will NOT work. Grab a pen and paper while I teach you some of my Millionaire Opt In Offer Cash secrets! It is these very same secrets that have caused us to have a client base of over 300,000 clients and almost 100,000 on social media! TIP:  This is not hard but if you can't follow directions it won't work. Don't try to prove me wrong..just follow the steps! And YOUR opt in can create more cash for you.... just follow [...]

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