About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

How are you using InstaGram? I wanna know!

  How are you using InstaGram? I wanna know! Do you use InstaGram? Are you using any photo editing tools to make your images look great? Or do you just aim, click, upload? This input can help all of us!!  Come on A Real Change Community, let's learn from each other! Post below... I'm reading!  With love, Sandi Krakowski  

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The USP: Unique Selling Point/ Proposition Of Your Offer

  The USP: Unique Selling Point/ Proposition Of Your Offer By Sandi Krakowski Beginning business builders have a soft spot in my heart.  I remember how it was to work my way through the guesswork, the systems and the tasks of every single day in my new business. Managing a family, homeschooling my children and just the everyday activities that go with these two things put me in a position where decisions had to be made quickly or I would fail.  To many this might sound like a risk but it actually proved to be very valuable in my career of building businesses. Being forced to make quick decisions, act on what I could and aim later was a normal way of doing business. Previously I just thought it was a case of "Mommy [...]

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Unlock Your Inner Einstein with Extraordinary Food

Unlock Your Inner Einstein with Extraordinary Food   There’s an urban legend that Einstein used more of his brain than the rest of us. Researchers will never be able to prove it, but I can’t help but wonder whether he was genetically gifted or knew something more.    We can’t have Einstein’s genetics, but we can make choices everyday to unlock our inner Einstein and give us the brain power we already have inside us.  The worst part is: most of us run on less brain power because we make the wrong choices…  And those choices start at the dinner table. Choosing to unlock your inner Einstein: We can choose to create a big business on half our brain. Or we can choose to unlock our inner Einstein and ignite the brain power lying [...]

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Writing Newsletters And Directing A Crowd Of Clients With One (Continued from Episode #11)

  Episode #12- Writing Newsletters And Directing A Crowd Of Clients With One (Continued from Episode #11)  Today we are picking up where we left off last week when we talked about JV Prostitution and how to avoid it. You're going to love this! If you are going to publish a newsletter, you will want occasional guest writers. Learn how to introduce them and keep the topic focused, without distracting or confusing your clients. You'll also learn how to use a newsletter to lead a crowd of clients. This is not the time to get on a soapbox every week and vent your frustrations! Let me teach you how we've been able to use newsletters for 15 years to build multiple 7 figure businesses. Have fun writing and learn simple publishing tips anyone can [...]

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