About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Social Media GPS- We are SITTING where the gatekeepers are NO LONGER in control… JUMP IN!

Gary Vaynerchuk....  CNN turns to him!  Fox News asks for HIS advice!  WE are going to have him at our event! HOW is this possible?!  Because the internet makes it possible! We are SITTING where the gatekeepers are NO LONGER in control... JUMP IN! It is TIME to cash in on the things you love, create a business around the life you want to live! Social media makes that possible! Are you looking for a 'global positioning system' for massive profits and business done around your life rather than the other way around?  THIS is it!  Do you need more clients? Want to make more money?   FACE the facts..... Social Media is where people LIVE! Truth be told..... even if someone currently works a job in Corporate America, they are sneaking in their smartphone [...]

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Weekly Wrap Up May 4, 2012

  Weekly Wrap Up May 4, 2012 It's been an amazing week! We started out strong with a powerful lesson on "Blueprinting Your Message" into your client's memory and how to serve them honestly and wholeheartedly, creating a ton of loyal followers. If you missed it heres that episode on http://www.ARealChange.TV Then we released an insane "Sneak Peek" training from my Inner Circle coaching program where we talked about word count and attention span in Copywriting. This lesson was a big break through  for many of you and caused you to take the "leap" into working with me every week through video in our Inner Circle! Woohoo! We are so excited to have you all!  Wednesday we kicked up some fun with Post It Notes.  Many of you said you could relate that "traditional" [...]

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Building A Business Is A LOT Of Work And A Lot Of Reward, All Wrapped Up In One!

Building A Business Is A LOT Of Work And A Lot Of Reward, All Wrapped Up In One! By: Sandi Krakowski   Every now and then the comments sting... and to be honest, they down right hurt. Building businesses for 15 years now has shown me that it goes with the territory and it is to be expected. That doesn't remove the fact that it's painful to see people struggle as they do. We're very blessed to have so many amazing clients and when someone is cantankerous and gnarly, they usually stick out like a sore thumb. Both on our blog and in our social media connections. Those of you who have ever stuck up for me and told said gnarly people my story, you're awesome...  Let's look behind the situation however for a [...]

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It’s COPYWRITING month in Inner Circle!

  It's COPYWRITING month in Inner Circle!   Because there are 5 Tuesdays this month we've decided to GIVE AWAY Lesson #1 of our Inner Circle training video! This month we're doing Copywriting!! You can watch the ENTIRE video here now-  [vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199250335/c49175f136" align="center"] When you write your blog posts, emails, auto responders, newsletters and sales pages are you paying attention to word count? You should! Word count = attention span! This month in our Inner Circle program I'm teaching Copywriting for an entire month! We're starting out today with a lesson on word count. Specific tips on word count, how to benefit your reader with a targeted count, how to not overwhelm them with too many words, what is industry standard on various platforms and more! The Inner Circle program is a great [...]

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