About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Call Security! We’ve had a breakin! Protecting your business, website and more online

Call Security! We've had a breakin! Protecting your business, website and more online  By: Sandi Krakowski Right now, pay attention. I have some CRITICAL news you don't want to miss. How secure is your business? Are you treating it like the BIG asset it is? Listen, if you haven't made any money yet in your business that doesn't mean a thing.. many of you, if I were to be given access to what you have....the offer, website and more, there's no doubt I could play in 'your playground' for just 60-90 days and we could flip it into a 6-figure deal, no problem. Just because you haven't made any money with your idea or business does NOT mean that it's not valuable. So quit leaving your side door open! Take out a pen and paper [...]

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A Real Change TV Episode #3- Opt In Offer Creating Indigestion?

Happy Monday!! Everyday I hear about people who just can't get their Opt In offer to convert! They have traffic but for some reason, no one is biting... or maybe they are biting, but then it stops! Do you have Opt In Offer woes? This will help! Build a HUGE list, create MASSIVE traffic and get an audience who is crazy about what you offer....  Watch today's episode NOW!  With love, Sandi Krakowksi    A Real Change TV Episode #3- Opt In Offer Creating Indigestion?  Click Here           

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Massive Traffic…. and updates here at A Real Change!

    Did I get your attention? Good!  Don't worry... Nothing's happened... except that in the last 90 days we've added more new clients to our client base and more traffic to our site than we did in the entire last year! HA! This requires some massive updates, tweaks and optimizations to our site.  From 5pm ET today until 3 am ET tomorrow morning... we're doing those updates so that our Wordpress site can continue to handle ya'll and everything we have to give you, flawlessly! 6 racks of server space and a database and two guys who are massive geeks are at work!  YOU mean the world to us... so it will be even better than it was! However... During that time.... 5pm ET- 3 am ET Monday, we might see some wonky issues.Don't [...]

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Weekly Wrap Up, April 13, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up, April 13, 2012 Great job this week! You did it!! In today's weekly wrap up I want to share with you a great way to end your week.  We've created ToDo lists everyday this week. You've given it your all and have done your best to stay on track. Sure, there are many things that were left undone... things we still have to pick up on Monday. But here's where our focus should go right now, on this Friday, as we end up the week. Let's create ItsDone list.   As I coach and lead thousands of entrepreneurs each month, it's interesting to me that many times when we get on the phone together, people want to share with me everything they need to fix. Yes, fixing things in business is [...]

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