About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Create A Movement, Not A Message!

      So many people focus on a message for their business. A tagline, a 'catch' phrase they say, that will lead people to buy more products. There's a better way to build a big business and to be honest with you, it feels a lot better than hyping your way through. Everyday I get these emails from marketers that write things like, "Here's my personal cell, call me" as their subject line and then there's an auto series email to their client. I'm on their mailing list. I shake my head and think to myself, "How can anyone feel good about this stuff?"  You know what I'm talking about don't you? The typical slimy direct response marketing that is after only one thing... "Can I sell you stuff?" We've always built our [...]

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We interrupt the regular negative broadcast messaging that exists in the world with this radical mindset moment!

  We interrupt the regular negative broadcast messaging that exists in the world with this radical mindset moment! I have a very serious question to ask you.  What if it DOES work out?  I mean seriously..... have you given up all faith? What if.... this time... it works out? What if the things you've dreamed about and hoped for and posted on your vision board actually becomes the life you were designed to live and live it RIDICULOUSLY happy! Think about it for a moment..... and let me remind you of this fact. It is NOT in the land of ease that you will need a sword and a spear.... it is NOT in the place of comfort that you are going to have to take risk. No, that is where things die and crumble and [...]

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How I Made More Than $1Million Thru Twitter & Facebook

"Social Media Cash Conversion" requires two very critical skills for it to be successful. These two skills are what I'll be teaching on May 15th, 2012 to a nearly SOLD OUT group of people for 4 solid hours. The process of running your social media campaigns is about more than just tweets and posts. There is a specific and measurable goal you need to go after every single day. Once you get there, the rest is easy to increase! Just a few things you can expect...   Keywords and how to use them in your bio. What should go in your "About" section on Facebook. You'll learn how to write the section about YOU on your Twitter page so people FIND you in Twitter searches. How to apply some simple secrets to your Facebook Timeline [...]

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Did you miss the live call that over 2800 people registered for? BUMMER!

        Did you miss the live call that over 2800 people registered for? BUMMER! Listen NOW to the two hour training that we just finished that will not only change your LIFE but also your business!  Learn as we discuss: How to FIND your purpose,  FUEL your profits & FOCUS your power! This is a long two hour training that is worth thousands of dollars.... be sure to share it! MORE importantly, be sure to implement what you hear! http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=27438357 With love, Sandi Krakowski P.S. When you're done listening, come join the thousands of people who were on the call and are now working with each other to create A REAL CHANGE! We're on my Facebook Page!   Download the call- http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=27438357 Then come join all of us!  http://www.facebook.com/SandiKrakowskiBiz 

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