About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Happy Thanksgiving And How To Serve More People Through Business

Happy Thanksgiving And How To Serve More People Through Business By: Sandi Krakowski My heart is FULL of gratitude today! We are so grateful for the honor to serve all of you, our clients. More than 180,000 people turn to A Real Change as the #1 Source In Direct Response Marketing for information on how to attract the right clients, make money and here's the big GOAL.... living a life they have designed for themselves, personally. It is our passion to teach you to NOT work for the 'other guy' but to work for yourself! We have had so many amazing breakthroughs this past year as family and we've shared EVERY single one of them with you, our A Real Change family! Alan came home in August of this year and it has been [...]

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Miracles still happen today….

I'm writing you today with so much joy in my heart I can't hardly stand it! As many of you know a recent health challenge caused me to have to take some ACTION to get my body back on track. (If you missed that info, the entire story of my hospital visit is here)  This article produced more responses than anything we've ever seen! More than 300 of you wrote personal notes, more than 100 comments on Facebook and replies on Twitter! It was obvious that you guys are the real deal... you love us as much as we love you!  And here's another thing I observed..... many of you are suffering from digestive issues and even disease. You might not know that I've lived and moved in the alternative health industry for more [...]

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Writing Copy That Sells And Speaks The Language Of Your Ideal Client- The Little Guys Secret Weapon That Terrifies Expert Online Marketers!

Writing Copy That Sells And Speaks The Language Of Your Ideal Client- The Little Guys Secret Weapon That Terrifies Expert Online Marketers! By: Sandi Krakowski In September of 2010, I was locked away for one hour, every single week, with a private group of writers who wanted to do blogging for profit. They wanted to not only learn how to do blogging... they wanted to learn how to speak the language of their ideal client! Ironically, none of them, when we started, were even very clear on who this client was..... But after 20 sessions with me, every single week.... (God bless them!)  they not only found out who their ideal client was?  They spoke their language so specifically and strategically that they had results that are still echoing across the internet world! Two [...]

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Keywords, Surveys, Working On Your Blog & More Inner Circle Video Update

Keywords, Surveys, Working On Your Blog & More Inner Circle Video Update I just got done doing our 10 minute video for my Inner Circle and got to thinking.... we have 5 weeks in this month, so why not "leak" this exclusive content to our entire list!

 We do this occasionally and every time.. people are floored at the amount of content we give away.

 So, without further delay.... here is today's Inner Circle content!

 Keyword Research, Surveys and More!


 Feel free to share this with anyone else you know who needs help in their business! 

 Have a great day!

 With love,
 Sandi Krakowski

 P.S. If you are struggling with keywords, surveys, hearing what your clients are wanting... this will help tremendously!! And it's at no cost, this one time, to you!

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