About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Website Critique And Review For Better Conversion, Placement In Google & Long Term Profits

Website Critique And Review For Better Conversion, Placement In Google & Long Term Profits By: Sandi Krakowski During my last 14 years online I've had numerous websites, blogs and even flash designed bells and whistles presentations. One thing is for sure, not all websites are built alike. Today, I'd like to do a website critique and review so I can share with all of you some tweaks and tips you can instantly apply to your own business for better conversion, placement in Google and long term profitability. First things first... if you've been reading me for any length of time you already know where I'm going to go. Some of you are new and this will be your first time hearing it. Sadly, some of you will continue with your broken website and do [...]

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My Emergency Hospital Visit Two Weeks Ago And What Your Decisions Today Mean For Your Future

My Emergency Hospital Visit Two Weeks Ago And What Your Decisions Today Mean For Your Future By: Sandi Krakowski From my heart to yours.   Many of you have no idea that while you were working your business, going through your own struggles and moving through some of your own opposition, I was fighting my own personal war just two weeks ago. Actually..... I've been fighting it for months.   This is pretty transparent. I'm gonna be very honest with you.  So if I can please? I recommend you stop what you are doing right now, entirely, for just a few moments. Get in a quiet place and read.. very slowly what I have to say.   I wasn't going to say anything about it just yet.... but God woke me up in the [...]

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Open Line Day With Sandi Krakowski TODAY!!!

      Have A Question For Sandi? "Live Call With Sandi Krakowski" TODAY! Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Time: 3:00-5:00 pm ET Call In Number: (419) 778-3998 Conference Code: 144306# Each caller will receive 10 minutes of private coaching time FIRST COME FIRST SERVED! Sandi will work through callers questions for 2 FULL HOURS! Listen in LIVE as Sandi coaches clients! Open Line Day With Sandi Krakowski TODAY!!!  

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My favorite online nurse

Every now and then, through the journey of life, we meet people who are so unique, so hungry for change and so driven to get things done, it literally takes our breath away. Several years ago I was building a business in direct sales, and the lady you see above was working in an organization with me. She was a busy mom who worked at a psychiatric hospital as a nurse for more than 20 years. What I remember about Angela then was..... she had many reasons for why she couldn't build her business, the main one was, "Who has time to be on the phone when I work 14 hour shifts!"  She had a really good point... and because I was building my business at the time through the internet and the phone, [...]

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