About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

Email Marketing Do's and Don'ts By: Sandi Krakowski Email marketing has changed through the years. Back in the late 90's when I came online we worked with something called Major Domo. This was the beginning of mailing list management. You would have this set up on your own domain and send emails to everyone who belonged to your 'list'.  To subscribe people didn't fill out a form, they had to send a message to the Major Domo on your server and say, "Subscribe". To unsubscribe, do the same thing but with "Unsubscribe".  Major Domo in Latin means "Head Of The House" and this is what you became when you sent out an email to the people who were on your house list. Unix/Perl based list management is how we built our first house list with [...]

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Death Of The Web, Blogs Are Dying, Things Changing Online And What I’ve Learned In 14 Years Of Running Internet Based Companies And Marketing

Death Of The Web, Blogs Are Dying, Things Changing Online And What I've Learned In 14 Years Of Running Internet Based Companies And Marketing "Oh my God, Sandi, what do we do with this?!!" came the frantic email. "Sandi, I trust you and you've been online through multiple recessions and multiple changes, what does all this mean?!?!" came another. More and more came in and I knew that on "My Watch" I had to say something. You see, I've been working online for the last 14 years. I've lived through the "They are going to charge us 2-3 cents per email and the US postal service is going to shut down email! What do we do?!" and the "No one can start a home based business without a 2 week 'think about it' clause, [...]

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A Big Reason To Do More Than You’ve Ever Done In Your Business And In Life

A Big Reason To Do More Than You've Ever Done In Your Business And In Life By: Sandi Krakowski Today I'd like to introduce you to some people who inspire our entire team at A Real Change Int'l to "DO MORE" and go farther than we've ever done before. Years ago as I was peeling my way out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, I started giving in a way that was foreign to me... beyond what I was able to 'afford' and could 'manage' as a family. This led me to learning a principle that I'll call "Generous Prosperity". The principle goes like this- you can measure your prosperity by the depth of your generosity. Many of you don't realize that in 1988 I was a single mother, raising my now [...]

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Your Mindset And Your Marketing- How To Attract More Clients, Create More Cash And Live The Life You’re Dreaming Of

  Your Mindset And Your Marketing- How To Attract More Clients, Create More Cash And Live The Life You're Dreaming Of By: Sandi Krakowski Today's newsletter is very special! I've never done this for one of our issues, but I am today!  It's a VIDEO I made just for you on the topic of Mindset and Marketing When we talk about this topic it was so important to me that you see and hear my heart... because some of you need a mindset shift, and others, need to do the work on the marketing. These are battles I've personally had to overcome... so don't feel bad or get caught up in some guilt trip, just know.... that to make the money you want to make, attract the right clients, make more cash and live [...]

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