About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Press Release Writing Experts Answer YOUR Biggest Questions About Online PR

  Press Release Writing Experts Answer YOUR Biggest Questions About Online PR   By: Tara Geissinger and Christine O'Kelly    Here's a content marketing riddle for you: What can you publish instantly that will: ·       Help you increase your website's search engine rankings ·       Serve as a sales page for your company ·       AND gain front-page rankings in Google News for your target keywords? Answer: A press release! Press releases have been our online marketing "secret weapon" for more than six years. They have consistently proven to be the most powerful online content marketing tools available -- and yet many business owners never include them in their marketing strategies. Many have confessed to us that they don't know how to write a press release or they feel as if they don't have anything worthwhile to [...]

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A big announcement from A Real Change Int’l and Sandi Krakowski!

A big announcement from A Real Change Int'l and Sandi Krakowski! This is for you! Big announcement!! How's your day going? I'm sipping my water with lemon and gobbling down my protein pancakes before I hit the floor running and wanted to get this out to you. This is a very special day because I'm about to reveal to you something we've actually talked about since the beginning of the year! Have you ever wished things were different? You know,  you're just frustrated and know it's time for a change? If it's time for you to get SERIOUS about running your own business, I'm serious about being with you every month as a coach and mentor.  For the last 16 months we've had the honor to serve more than 150,000 loyal subscribers to our [...]

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But I’m Running Out Of Hours And I Can’t Fit It All Into The Schedule! Can I Really Be Successful?

  But I'm Running Out Of Hours And I Can't Fit It All Into The Schedule! Can I Really Be Successful? By: Sandi Krakowski Recently we hosted a call on Time and Life Management For The Business Owner. More than 1200 people registered for the call and more than 7000 have already listened to the recording! This in and of itself tells me that there are so many business owners who are struggling with their time and their life. Some of the comments and input that came back varied from "I try to schedule things in but it always falls apart!" to "Please just show me screen shots of your planner and iPhone so I too can be like you even though you said that isn't how to do it, I want to anyways"..... [...]

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Join me at Chalene Johnson’s “Video Impact Academy” September 16-18, 2011!

  Join me at Chalene Johnson's "Video Impact Academy"  September 16-18, 2011!   Watch over ONE HOUR of training Chalene has given away for FREE.... then register for the event!!!! Get videos here!    This is going to be an AMAZING event! Be sure to pay attention to the 3-Payment Option she is giving on the Order Form! And the Bring a guest special!! PLEASE SEE NOTE BELOW.   I'm hosting a Mastermind for 15-20 people. It will be very intimate! The schedule for Chalene's event is INTENSE:  9- 9pm Friday, 9- 7pm Saturday, 9- 3pm Sunday so we will NOT be fooling around.     This is a very private and exclusive event.... my typical Mastermind rates are $2995 per person and we want to be certain everyone gets the individual attention and time with me [...]

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