About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Where There’s A Will It’s Up To You To Find The Way- How to overcome life’s challenges, stop being a victim & live the life of your dreams”

"Where There's A Will It's Up To You To Find The Way- How to overcome life's challenges, stop being a victim & live the life of your dreams" By: Sandi Krakowski If she said it one more time I thought for sure I'd lose it. Whining and acting like a victim. UGH. "I've been pushing my exhusband and trying to get him to do things but whenever I talk to him he won't do what I ask." We'd bought this gorgeous house in Jan of this year. On the purchase agreement was a swingset that was left in our yard. We agreed that in April, when the ground thawed well enough to move it, the sellers would contact us and move it. It never dawned on me that when July approached the swingset would still [...]

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Your Passion Leads To Your Ideal Client

  Your Passion Leads To Your Ideal Client By: Sandi Krakowski Let's talk about passion for a few minutes, shall we? In this picture is a small clip of what I am personally passionate about! I'm passionate about seeing people move forward and accomplishing their goals. Divine passion is what I want to talk about! Passion that God gave and put in me and released over me. It's important to know what your passion is because you'll never make big money in something you can't believe in. For example, if you could care less about jewelry, you shouldn't go build a business involved in selling jewelry. If you hate nutrition and hate exercise, it's not likely you'll be very successful in the realm of fitness. Your passion, what you've been wanting to do forever [...]

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Building A Dream Team And A Dream Business!

      Building A Dream Team And A Dream Business!   I have a big big confession to make....When we went to Maui two weeks ago, it was the very first time I've given my entire company to someone else to run. Believe it or not.... I didn't worry, follow up every single day or take control. And what happened was shocking. Keep reading....  While we were gone, Amity, my Manager and Assistant assured me that everything was going great and she'd only email me about things that needed my immediate attention. A total of three emails came in. Knowing the flow of things around here I figured she had things stored up for me and I was ok with that. The Monday after we got back I prepared myself with a strong cup of [...]

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It starts today! Internet Marketing Coaching from a NO BS Coach who can show you how to get it done in less time!

    It's About Time! A No-Bull, No Fluff Trusted Program to Help You Build a Stress-Free Internet Business….So You Can Live the Life Of Your Dreams…     A mastermind group of serious business professionals who will focus ONLY on making more money, improving their website, staying up to date on all internet procedures that create the biggest profits, manage your time, outsource different projects and everything necessary to build a long term internet based business! My desire is to help you. This program is catered to fit into everyone's budget.    This offer is RIDICULOUS!   Every Tuesday-   Receive a 8-10 Minute video from Sandi personally catered to the groups needs on business. We’ll share the video every Tuesday by 5:00 pm ET and chat through Facebook Groups privately about the topic.  [...]

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