About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

How Coaches Help Others To Succeed- Secrets I Learned From A Surfer In Maui About Coaching

      Issue 149                             Monday, June 6, 2011 Welcome to this issue of "Marketing and Business Made Easy"!   Editor's Note-   I've had the amazing honor of meeting people all over the world through our internet companies during the last 14 years. People who are all pursuing their dreams of life and financial independence, finding things they never thought were possible are within arms reach. But it was on our recent trip to Maui that I met some of the most amazing people! The service and heart of Maui is just what Guy Kawasaki writes about in his book Enchantment. The passion is what Tony Hsieh writes about in his book Delivering Happiness. Today I'd love to share with [...]

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Work Hard, But Also Play Hard- A Note From The A Real Change “Happiness Engineer”

Work Hard, But Also Play Hard- A Note From The A Real Change "Happiness Engineer"  By: Amity Hook Sopko Working with Sandi over the past year as the resident “Happiness Engineer” and Marketing Manager for A Real Change, Int’l has been an incredibly rewarding experience.  Not only do I feel a sense of purpose in serving our company and Sandi, I’m extremely energized by working with YOU!  Each day, I watch in awe as she coaches business owners – in just about every niche imaginable – along the path of success they were called to follow.  And each day, I’m inspired by her encouragement to live your truth and be who you were designed to be. I’m often asked what are some of the best business tips I’ve learned from Sandi.  While I’ve picked [...]

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Work Less, Earn More & Live A Life Of Freedom With Purposeful Rest

Work Less, Earn More & Live A Life Of Freedom With Purposeful Rest By: Sandi Krakowski I have a personal question to ask you. Let me give you fair warning, it might tick you off once you read it. Here's the question- When is the last time you took a purposeful rest? You might be racking your brain right now with questions like, "Purposeful rest? What does that mean? Is there such a thing as nonpurposeful rest?" Let me help you out. Purposeful rest is taking rest on purpose. It's the kind of rest you schedule into your calendar, your staff knows about and it's just as critically important as a speaking engagement. There's a problem I see in coaching hundreds of thousands of people in our newsletter and the clients I work with [...]

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Chalene Johnson and Sandi Krakowski- Video Impact Academy!

Chalene Johnson and Sandi Krakowski- Video Impact Academy!  Hey listen, I just got off the phone with my friend and my personal growth coach, Chalene Johnson.   In case you don't know who Chalene is.... she currently has the #1 and #3 Informercials in the world! Her program Turbo Fire is currently taught world wide in more than 58,000 gyms! She's also an amazing wife, mother, best selling author, public speaker and energizer bunny!        Well Chalene called to ask me a very important question and I nearly fell OFF my chair when I heard what she had to share!   She invited me to be a Featured Speaker at her upcoming Video Impact Academy in Orange County, CA Sept 16th!  I'm so excited!!! YAHOOO!   Listen to this,  Dave King will [...]

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