About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

The Secret Strategy Of Those Who Implement Quickly!

         The Secret Strategy Of Those Who Implement Quickly! By: Sandi Krakowski   I've just returned from an intense one day Mastermind in Chicago, IL with 10 of the most powerful business women I've ever had the honor to work with. We arrived at our hotel on Friday afternoon, gearing up and preparing ourselves for what lie ahead. Amity and I had gifts, surprises and more in store for our guests, but what transpired was far beyond any of our expectations.   Friday night as many of the ladies went off for pizza, Amity and I were up until 11:00 pm putting our final touches on the preparations. We laughed in my suite as we discussed what our current work situation is. We are a virtual company and work miles apart from [...]

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COVERT Selling: The Hottest Trend Revealed and How You Can Play to Win!

COVERT Selling: The Hottest Trend Revealed and How You Can Play to Win! by Kevin Hogan The October 13th episode of Donald Trump's, "The Apprentice," featured his teams of candidates putting together the next marketing concept for Dairy Queen. For those of you who don't know or haven't been paying attention, 18 contestants compete for a job running one of Trump's many corporations. In this episode, Dairy Queen got nearly 44 minutes of airtime. I have no idea what Dairy Queen paid to have that time. I do know that it is brilliant and more importantly, profitable...advertising. Putting your brand in front of a huge part of your demographic for 44 minutes is worth an enormous amount of money. This is more than "product placement" which is very effective...this is all about building the brand! [...]

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Making More Money By Getting Your Head On Straight And Really Living What You Believe

Making More Money By Getting Your Head On Straight And Really Living What You Believe Amazes me sometimes. What we as human beings continue to struggle with, despite the vast amount of information we possess. The topic of the mind is widely received, yet rarely applied. When you tell people that you need to work more on your own mind than you do your prospects, a variety of responses from "Oh I know, I know" to, "My mind is in a far better place than my prospects, trust me!" spills forth. Yet 8 out of 10, if not more, online business owners will not make the money they want to this month alone. As a matter of fact, during the next calendar year, unless the mind of most business owners change, we won't see [...]

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Building A Home In A Recession

Last night we did something we haven't done in over 10 years! We put an offer in on a new home. Just four years ago my husband's job ended at General Motors. He had been there for 18 years. Even though my companies had been hugely successful, this was devastating to my man. After putting applications in all over Michigan, spending more than 10 months searching, applying and praying, we made the decision to move out of state. To some this might seem devastating, to us it proved to be the best decision of our married lives. After asking God to open doors outside of Michigan (and after laughing at ourselves for taking so long to get to that place, of moving outside of that state) he had 7 job offers come in during a weeks [...]

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