About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

What’s Happening At A Real Change!

Updates for November 2, 1010 Good morning! I'm sipping Spiced Eggnog coffee today. I hope the coffee is hot where you are!    We have several things to share with you today! Things to increase your bottom line, make all that you're doing a little bit easier and fun! Here are a few updates for your Tuesday morning: Last Nights' Call was amazing! Your questions inspired me & the participation was encouraging to everyone! We discussed "Behind The Scenes Of A Thriving Business." where my special guest and personal assistant, Amity Hook-Sopko and I shared some intimate detail of running a million dollar company from the ground up in 7 months time!  Here is your recording. Just go to the Monday Night call page, scroll down to November 1, 2010 and you will find your [...]

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Should I Vaccinate My Child?

Editor's Note From Sandi Krakowski- Running a successful thriving business requires one to think. Sadly, this critical skill is disappearing at a rampant rate. People are being programmed to go with the mainstream, don't stick out & God forbid, don't be truly unique! I've homeschooled my children for 20 years. But my motive was never to be different, buck the system or to disobey laws of the land. My purest and highest motive was always to teach my children to succeed in life with all people, in all situations. During these years I've taught my children to think and live fully awake, striving to be all that they were designed to be. The fruit has proven it was a good choice. Today's article is by my good friend, Chemist and Genius Shane Ellison. This [...]

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Slow Down to Slim Down, Re-energize and Focus Well!

  Slow Down to Slim Down, Re-energize and Focus Well!  By: J.J. Virgin Okay, I admit it, I am a speed eater. I got into the habit back when I was a trainer racing between clients and I still struggle with it today while racing between conference calls, meetings and Mom duties. If you are running a business I bet you can relate!  One of the things that I teach my clients to do is take time to mindfully (ie not while zoning out in front of the tv) eat a balanced meal of clean lean protein, healthy fats, loads of non starchy veggies and a small amount of a low glycemic, slow response carb every 4-6 hours.   A recent article in the Washington Post shared 7 secrets of highly obese people.  What they revealed is [...]

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“The Biggest Battle I’ve Ever Fought- The War Within”

  "The Biggest Battle I've Ever Fought- The War Within"   By: Sandi Krakowski   I'll never forget her words as long as I live. One of my mentors, a direct response marketing legend  and I were ending a very strategic coaching call. Then she paused and said, "Have you ever read the book, "The War Of Art"? Before she could explain to me what it was about, I was on Amazon ordering it overnighted. She went on to say, "It's about far more than just what you're thinking. Read that book." By the time we hung up 5 minutes later I found the MP3's online as well, ordered them and was already downloading them to my iTunes library. And then I was onto make dinner.... never expecting what hit me! The grill was [...]

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