About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Then what…..

    You have a website, people are coming to your website..... their opting in.... now what?! Watch this video I made for you this morning as I was taking my walk with puppy. "Announcing A NEVER Before-Available Opportunity For "Ultra Specific Secrets" to see Exactly How I Created My Explosive Business That Has Grown Beyond 7- Figures!"    

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The Seasons In Life And The Seasons In Business

  (Rachel, Momma of Two, Beauty Advisor, Home Business Woman) Time and life management can be under your mastery. You just need to have the confidence that most experts do and realize- you are already hard wired and designed to be your own personal life expert. Just listen to the clues.  Knowing what to do through each stage of your business is key. What worked a few years ago might not work now. If something served you and your family well in the past it doesn't mean it will serve you well today. Be willing to let it go and receive all that you've been desiring. In today's article I'd like to help you find that secret. As we enter our 20th year of homeschooling I'm once again reminded of the truth in this [...]

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Creating Rapid Response To Your Opt-In For Your Email List

    Creating Rapid Response To Your Opt-In By: Sandi Krakowski When building your website there is one component that should be in the upper right hand corner of your online real estate that you don't want to be without it. This one critical component increases credibility, helps build rapport and determines more than 50% of your long term results It is your Opt-In box. Just putting up an Opt-In form and adding words like, "Sign up for our latest news!" isn't going to cut it. No one wakes up in the morning with a strong desire to sign up for anything, let alone another newsletter. The only reason that someone would give you their private information, their email address, is if you in turn give them something of value at no cost.  The [...]

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Do you need a front end alignment?

Do you need a front end alignment? By: Sandi Krakowski Have you ever driven down the road and all of a sudden your steering wheel starts shaking?  We’ve all experienced this, haven’t we?  If you’re not the one who typically takes care of the cars in the house you might think the wheels are about to fall off. I mean, surely, the steering wheel isn’t going to rattle and shake if the wheels aren’t falling off, right?  I’m so used to my Honda Pilot , tenderly referred to by many as my "Momma Mobile" and it rides so smoothly. It also gives off clues way ahead of time if a problem is developing. I can quickly tell if I take my hands off the wheel for a moment, if it starts to veer to [...]

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