About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Where should your focus be?

Focus will pay you more money than you ever dreamed was possible When you have focus in your business things will become easier, you won't get stuck as often and you'll be able to increase your profits faster than anything you could have ever imagined. Many business owners think their biggest problem is that they lack a product that the marketplace is really wanting. Others believe that if they can just get the message right they'll be able to finally have the business of their dreams. The real issue is..... lack of FOCUS. What is focus anyways? According to Webster's dictionary it's :  a center of activity, attraction, or attention, a point of concentration. So I have a question for you. Where is your center of activity, attraction, attention and point of concentration when it comes to [...]

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Basic business skills you must have to succeed in today’s economy

Everyday I meet future business owners, current start up company owners and adults from various backgrounds in sales, business and marketing who have increasing confusion about computers, the internet and direct response marketing. They range from coaches, to singers, to real estate investors, to MLM business owners, to copywriters and graphic designers to everything you could possibly imagine in between. My advice to them is that there are some skill sets you must have to succeed in business. While some of these are not necessarily mastered by all these are the basic foundation. If you don't know these foundational keys you can hire someone who does. But what does the business owner who does not have staff or a budget yet to hire people do? Master the foundational basics. Last night I was on [...]

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When autoresponders can be a hazard to your business

  Recently I was on a website and subscribed to their updates. The opt-in form didn't say that I was opting into a product auto-series but it became very obvious that this is what the form was originally set up for. It also became obvious that the pages that were once targeted in the email auto-series were no longer live, the dates were old (over a year!) and no one had bothered to disable this form.   Do you have an opt-in form on your website?   Do you have products or services that you sell?   How are you currently staying in contact with all of your clients?   Our email list here at A Real Change has seen a 590% increase in the last two weeks. We were honored to be featured [...]

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Puppies at our house today make it hard to work

Dont you just love new puppies? Even their puppy breath is cute! Sure, they make messes, but don't we all?   Today we got our new 6 week old puppy. Here's a cute 2 minute video we just took.    His name is Kobe B Krakowski. Isn't he adorable? My boys are having a blast!   I sure am glad they are homeschooled and can have a blast with him as he grows up. We're doing "Wordpress training and Puppy 101" today.  I'm teaching my boys how to customize Wordpress sites. They are my employees now!  Love this life I live!   Make it an amazing day! Sandi Krakowski http://www.ARealChange.com   ps.... the registration for the Wordpress I class ends tomorrow- don't delay, the next class won't be until June. Hope to see you [...]

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