About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

She commented on MY video?!

  This is urgent. I have to ask you this critical question! What would YOU do if someone who worked personally with Forbes Magazine, was Publisher & CEO of Early to Rise where she was responsible for growing the business from $8 million in sales to $26 million in just 15 months. Before that, she served as President of Weiss Research where she led the company to $67 million in sales from $11 million in just 12 months..... commented on YOUR Facebook page and your video? Yeah, me too. I nearly freaked out. She's my coach and she's someone I've had the honor to personally be working with and for in the last several months. MaryEllen Tribby, known as the "Money Honey" in the Internet Marketing world had this to say about a recent video [...]

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Why Are You Paying Someone Else To Set Up Your Website?

   Do you have a budget of $ 15,000 to hire me to write your copy, build your website and do all the work for you OR would you like to learn how I do what I do? When I came online 14 years ago I never had any idea the vast knowledge I'd eventually be able to share with people. Beyond just knowledge of the good, the bad and the ugly of what it's really like to build a business online- I also possess results. I've seen huge businesses grow fast and businesses that could have grown...can also sink quickly. I've seen it all, experienced it all and have personally made millions for myself and my clients online.  Through the years I've taught how to write better copy, how to do PPC ads [...]

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Go To College, Get A Good Job, You’ll Be Set For LIFE!

Maybe you were given this pitch when you in grade school just like I was. If you were a girl in the 60's it wasn't typically directed to you but regardless, you heard it growing up. "Go to college, get a good job and be set for life." So let me ask you something- what is missing from this message? What does college promise anyways that assures you of a good job and a set for life living? Face it- colleges are Direct Sales companies that sell a future and promise an income. They have been doing pretty good with their direct response marketing!  Even recently the leaders of our nation sold the notion that if you were out of work the best thing you could do to secure a better future was to [...]

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Building A Big List Doesn’t Matter If Your People Don’t Know You

The money is in the list! You've heard it before. Build a big list and then monetize the list! Build it as big as you can! People brag about their lists with 5 million followers on it. They brag about how they are gonna be rich one day. But it never happens. Because you see, building a big list doesn't matter if your people don't know you. If they aren't passionate about the things you are writing about. In plain English if everything you send out gets put into the trash before it's ever read. MaryEllen Tribby, the CEO of WorkingMomsOnly.com  recently published an article that hits this topic hard. She said, "Any monkey can build a list!" If you generate leads and build a list with the lowest hanging methods such as PPC, CoReg, List [...]

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