About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Writing Better Facebook Ads In Three Easy Steps

[FREE TRAINING] Writing Better Facebook Ads In Three Easy StepsI wrote my first pay per click ad in the 1990'2 when Overture existed. For those of you who are just starting out, this is the company that used to dominate before two guys left college and pursued their dream to create something called Google. If we add up the amount of years I've been in business times a minimum of 30-40 ads per week, that means I've written well over 50,000 pay per click ads. You can imagine my concerns when a new student in my small business classes gets frustrated when they can't 'make it work' after the first 30 days, or the first 5 ads, or the first 2 training videos.In a college level classroom we'd never expect to learn things instantly. Can you [...]

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The “One Hour Appointment” I Have With Myself Every Week That Helped Me Build A $20 Million Dollar Business!

Happy Monday!!  It's a great day to chase your goals, see your dreams come true and to make a big difference! It's also Martin Luther King Jr Day. An amazing day to think about what we can do to help others.Through the years, people ask me so many questions about my schedule and what I've 'really done' to build such a successful business. People want to see my schedule, my planner, my To-Do list and more. As I began to pray about that this morning, I was reminded of an audio I did last year in my Inner Circle coaching program that has impacted thousands of people.  It's a training on Schedules, Priorities and Building A Business however...... it has a clip where I share the ONE HOUR APPOINTMENT I have with myself every [...]

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What I Learned Spending $1,166,535.92 On Facebook Ads And Audience Insights

 What I Learned Spending $1,166,535.92 On Facebook AdsFacebook's Audience Insights For Micro-Targeting And The DEEP End Of The Pool With Ads If you've taken my Facebook Ads 2.0 Webinar- you discover that on Week 2 micro-niches and finding very targeted audiences is a dream come true for the small business owner. When you're spending just $10 per day on ads, the last thing you want to do is target millions of audiences. We spent our entire class learning about how to use dark posts, get great info for targeting micro-niches and more!We also went indepth into Audience Insights!  Some of the feedback from this are ridiculous! One client had results in HOURS after implementing what we taught in that lesson! Daniel has a yoga studio and typically relies on fliers and other forms of marketing. Well, [...]

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Why Washing Your Hair Only Once Per Week Will Transform Your Hair AND Your Life!

I get asked a LOT about my hair. Some people seem to think I actually created my entire company around the branding of my hair. (that's kinda funny!) No, the company came first and one day I was inspired to add pink to it. That's about as romantic as the story gets. It wasn't a big strategy, but I now see how it leaves a blueprinted message of who I am everywhere I go.The most common thing people ask me about is what I use on my hair, how often I wash it, what my morning routines are, etc etc. So I thought I'd do a fun Friday post on WHY I started only washing my hair one time per week and how it changed my life! First things first: Colors like pink, raspberry and [...]

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