About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

How One Business Owner Increased Her Profits By Changing Her “Voice”

 Do YOU Need To Change Your Voice?Suzette owns a consulting practice where she serves families who have autistic children. She is a speech pathologist  and has gone to college and worked with the a lot  medical experts to understand the psychological and physical aspects of autism. Her very successful practice is run in her home. Learning how to transfer her message to a social media world presented several challenges. This is why she came to me for some help. When she started working on her Facebook page and wanted to increase engagement, it was only natural for her to believe that doing videos and blog posts from a medical and professional standpoint would be the best way to serve others.  In her practice she really enjoyed being able to work with parents and brought solutions to help [...]

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Save 50% on some of my BEST classes for 5 days!

Save BIG on some of my BEST classes for 5 days!Yesterday was a big day here at our corporation. Answers to prayer and some of my personal goals for business that I set for myself when I was 19 years old. Yes, I built my first business when I was a young Mommy, but my business goals started way way before that. It was an incredible thing to see some of this play out before my eyes, like watching a movie that I've dreamt about for so many years. As we celebrate, I want to GIVE BACK to you, our amazing clients, as a 'tithe' of sorts for all that you mean to us. I'm not a self-made millionaire. I've been very very successful because of the amazingly loyal clients we serve every single day. For the [...]

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When It’s Time To Make A Change

When It's Time To Make A Change (Sneak peek into a private consultation session I did)I spoke to three different entrepreneurs this month in our private consulting who had some big challenges. They each wanted help for their business. Each was making a big life change. It was time. Making the final decision was where they struggled. Do we jump or do we stay? Do we chance it or do we wait? Is it time or are we ahead of ourselves?How do you make a good decision for your business when you know, it's time?Mary came to me because the business she had been running for the last four years was being hit with what she thought was an 'economic change'. Her painting business has supported her family for many years, grossing $650,000 per year in sales. [...]

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WHY Personal Posts On A Facebook Page Are PUSH MARKETING Strategies That Propel Your Sales Messages Deeper Into The Facebook Feed

WHY Personal Posts On A Facebook Page Are PUSH MARKETING Strategies That Propel Your Sales Messages Deeper Into The Facebook FeedAs you build your business through social media remember this: YOU are the one that people want to engage with. People aren't loyal to products or services as much as they are the FEELING they get from these items and the experiences they have with your company.This is why you want to bring some personal things onto your page. For example: Today, when I really was impacted by something God gave me during my quiet time with Him, I hurried up and made a video. Now, not everyone is as confident as I am about what they look like early in the morning, but I was MORE concerned with releasing this word to people than I was worrying about my eyeshadow [...]

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