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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

What Is A “Dark Post” On Facebook And Is It Legal?

Are you ready to take your Facebook marketing to the next step? Grab a pen and paper, I want to talk to you today about a little strategy that no one is talking about that is the small business owners 'salvation' when it comes to marketing and advertising. Well, I take that back. There's a lot of people writing about it and talking about it, but no one is showing a small business owner how to guard their pocketbook and still have great resuls with this powerful little tool! Here's the deal, you have a Facebook page, targeted followers and if you're following any of my teachings, you know, that you also have only so much real estate on the Facebook platform in which to advertise from and on. So HOW do you get your content in [...]

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WOW!! I’m On Fox News, CNN, NYTimes AND The LATimes! Retargeting and Remarketing Ads On Facebook And Google

WOW!! I'm On Fox News, CNN, NYTimes AND The LATimes! Retargeting and Remarketing Ads On Facebook And Google  Last week we started getting all kinds of emails from our clients, and posts to my Facebook page with people exclaiming, "Oh my gosh Sandi you are EVERYWHERE! I was on a news site just now and there you were!" It feels great when all of our hard work pays off and we start to get media attention, doesn't it? Imagine what could happen to your business if you were invited to be on a website that has MILLIONS of new visitors per day?  Do you have a product or service that isn't getting enough traction and need a quick PUSH to your traffic?  Getting on a major news website is one of the best ways [...]

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Social Media Strategies For Beginners

Social Media Strategies For Beginners I've built businesses using nearly every marketing strategy and technique known to man. So when a new business owner asks me what the best platform is for growing a business, or they want to know the biggest tip I'd give a beginner, I always emphasize this one fact: If you're not marketing, you are not in business. Sadly, there are a lot of baloney schemes out there that make it look like you can build a business without spending any money and without marketing. That is such a lie. If you were on the television shows Shark Tank or The Profit and asked these multi-billion dollar experts what you could do for free to grow your buisness they'd ask you to leave their show. Growing a business for free doesn't happen. [...]

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Marketing And Mind Control- The Main Focus Of Headlines, Content And A Powerful Call To Action

Marketing And Mind Control- The Main Focus Of Headlines, Content And A Powerful Call To Action By: Sandi Krakowski The goal of all marketing is much different than many new business owners might think. As I've asked this question through social media and on my coaching calls, answers varied from: To get my product out there Find my ideal client Speak my client's language Sell something to things as wide and broad as: To beat my competitors Be the best Make money Give you an offer As we can see from just these few short replies, very few new and beginning business owners understand the focus and the goal of successful marketing campaigns. The goal of every marketing campaign is to create or change a belief. The headline, lead, opening statements, bullet points, proof, [...]

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