About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

You Never Know What Someone’s Story Might Be

You Never Know What Someone's Story Might Be  Life can be hard. We never know what someone else's story is. Behind anger and outbursts, or behavior that isn't right can be a shattered life and a broken heart. It's impossible to know someone's story from just observing them on social media. Most people who see me think I have a golden finger that makes everything I touch turn to success, when in reality, I've had miserable failures, made horrible mistakes and my life has never ever been a charmed existence where things come easily. Things have been very hard for me, most of my life. I didn't fit in during my school years. Lived a painful life as a kid, being raised without a real motherly figure and feeling lonely even in my own [...]

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Increasing Engagement & Reach On A Facebook Page Without Spending A Penny!

Increasing Engagement & Reach On A Facebook Page Without Spending A Penny! Many small business owners don't realize that the sum-total of what happens on their Facebook page = the total engagement and growth of their marketing. For example, you may be thinking, 'Why do I want to do so many posts that increase likes, comments or shares on my page that don't have anything to do with the posts that have something I'm selling?'  Great question! Engagement and reach on your page is created by how many likes, comments and shares occur on any posts. Another big key to remember is this: If someone likes, comments or shares on a few posts per week, they will see all of your posts all week. Rather than simply focusing on how often they see the posts that offer something to purchase, we [...]

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Do You Suffer From Gut Issues? IBS, Gas, Bloating or Worse? A GUT HEALING Protocol That Works!

Do You Suffer From Gut Issues? IBS, Gas, Bloating or Worse? My first bleeding ulcer was in 6th grade. For someone who had suffered as much trauma as I did as a kid, this is not uncommon. I've been through some profound healing, spiritually, for the horrific things I suffered. Spiritual roots in our healing are important. But I've also been on a seach to heal my gut at a deep level, and along the way I've discovered many things that work, and many that do not work. In a desire to use my influence, with more than 1 million people on my Facebook page and over 500k on other social pages, I want to share some of what I've learned along the way in hopes that it might help someone else.  Please know, if [...]

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Why A Writer Has To Write A LOT And Everyday, If Possible

Why A Writer Has To Write A LOT And Everyday, If Possible Writing is like exercising. The more you do it, the stronger your writing muscles get. At first it can be grueling, just like when we go to the gym. But step by step, day by day, if we keep writing, we'll get better. Write about anything. Just because you're hoping to write a best seller one day doesn't mean you have to write books or articles everyday. The art of journaling can help you find new ways of expression and getting thoughts from your head to paper.  One of the best tips I was given on writing (and it worked with copywriting too!) was "Vomit on the page...... then clean it up later." Getting the words out can make us sick if [...]

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